Tips To Live Longer

The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

It’s simple: Employ these simple strategies now and add years to your life.  It may not be the ‘magic bullet’ or ‘the fountain of youth’ but by applying just a few simple things to your daily routine, you can add months if not years to your life.

This section is dedicated to sharing ideas of what you can do for yourself and your family to help you live longer and healthier. If you have a comment or tip that you would LOVE to share…I’d love to post it on my site to share with others.


1. Drink at Least Five 8-ounce Glasses of Water a Day
Scientists have found that men who drank at least Five 8 ounce glasses of water per day were 54 percent less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than those who drank two glasses of water or less every day.

2. Take a Laugh Break

Watching 15 minutes of a funny video or listen to a comedy CD can improve blood flow to your heart by 50. This may reduce blood-clot formation, cholesterol deposition, and inflammation.  Click on the giggles on my site and read more.

3. Don’t Go to Work Sick

Over a 3-year period, those who went to work despite feeling under the weather had double the heart-attack risk of those who stayed in bed.

4. Put Out the Fire in Your Chest

Untreated heartburn can lead to a heart attack. Scientists discovered that as acid levels in the esophagus rise, the incidence of blocked blood flow to your heart also rises by 20 percent. A natural remedy: Analyze your diet. Don’t make a habit of drinking wine, juice, or carbonated beverages, all of which are highly acidic and may trigger heartburn.

5. Indulge Your Chocolate Craving

In a 15-year study, scientists have determined that if you ate just 4 grams of cocoa a day you had half the risk of dying from heart disease than those who ate less. That’s the equivalent of two 25-calorie Hershey’s Kisses — an amount that can fit into any diet.

6. Say No to Froot Loops

Researchers found that regularly eating cereal made from refined grains raised insulin and C-reactive protein, and lowered good cholesterol — all factors that boost your odds of developing heart disease. A better choice would be, Post Shredded Wheat cereal, which is made from 100 percent whole grains and contains no sugar.

7. Take a Magnesium Supplement

Over an 18-year period, researchers determined that men with the highest blood levels of magnesium are 40 percent less likely to die of any cause than those with the lowest levels. Magnesium can make multivitamins too bulky, so add a 250-milligram (mg) to your daily regimen.

8. Burn 1,100 Calories a Week

Scientists discovered that burning 1,100 calories per week prevents the accumulation of visceral adipose tissue — the dangerous belly fat that causes arterial inflammation and hypertension.

9. Take a Daily Multivitamin

Researchers discovered that taking a multivitamin helps prevent the DNA damage that causes cancer. I am a big fan of Centrum Silver.

10. Hit the Weights

Scientists found that if you completed three total-body workouts a week for 2 months it lowered your diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by an average of eight points. That’s enough to reduce the risk of stroke by 40 percent and heart attack by 15 percent.

11. Set a Three-Drink Limit

Drinking more than three drinks in a 24-hour period increases your risk of arterial fibrillation, a condition that may boost your odds of a stroke fivefold during that time. An important note: When the average man pours himself a glass of wine, it’s typically twice the size of a standard drink (4 ounces).


It contains 325 milligrams of aspirin the same as a regular aspirin, and begins fighting blood clots almost 3 minutes faster than a pill, according to a study in Thrombosis Research…and Call a Ride  Walk-in patients wait almost twice as long in the E.R. as those who arrive by ambulance.

13. Treat a Killer Bee Sting

You may not know if you’re allergic to the venom of a bee, wasp, or hornet until you’ve already been stung. But if you start to experience the symptoms of a life-threatening reaction — hives, wheezing, abdominal cramping — you can save yourself in 3 steps:

Step 1. Call 911.

Step 2. Take a Benadryl.

Step 3. Lie on your back and elevate your legs while you wait for help.  An allergic reaction can constrict your blood vessels, and this three-step strategy counteracts that by improving blood flow to your heart.

14. Eat Produce at Every Meal

If you consume more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, you have a 26 percent lower risk of stroke than people who eat fewer than three servings.

15. Monitor Your Blood Sugar

People with high blood-sugar levels have twice the risk of heart disease as those with the lower blood-sugar levels. A warning sign: fasting blood sugar that’s greater than 100 mg per deciliter.

16. Think Positive

Scientists discovered that constant worrying shortens your life span by 16 years.

17. Keep Your Cool

If you frequently express your anger outwardly, you are more than twice as likely to have a stroke than those who control their tempers. If you have anger-management issues, try fish oil. National Institutes of Health scientists found that hostile, aggressive people often have low blood levels of DHA — one of the main omega-3 fatsfound in the oil. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg every day.


Most shark attacks occur at dawn and dusk, when sharks feed. You can watch the sky for clues to their location: Seabirds eat the same fish as sharks. Here are three more ways to avoid a grisly death….Dive with a Partner. This cuts the chance of a shark attack by 50 percent, say Australian scientists…If You’re Attacked, Hit the Shark in Its Eyes or Gills. These are its most sensitive areas. The snout might work as a target, but this tactic often results in a bitten arm… Don’t Pee in the Ocean. Bodily fluids attract sharks.

19. Try a Natural Remedy

Eating one red grapefruit a day lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by 20 percent, even in people who don’t respond to statins.

20. Have Breakfast within 90 Minutes of Waking

If you wait to eat longer then 90 minutes after you awake, you are 50 percent more likely to become obese and that increases in body mass were directly proportionate to the likelihood of dying of gut cancers — specifically rectal, bladder, colon, and liver.

21. Vacuum for 30 Minutes

Doing 150 calories’ worth of chores a day can lower high blood pressure by 13 points. The reduction lasts only 8 hours, but make it a daily habit and you can lower your BP in the long term.

22. Eat Berries

The antioxidants in cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries have been shown to offer protection from a stroke, keep you mentally sharp as you age, and ward off cancer.

23. Drown proof yourself

If you’re dumped in the water without a life preserver, the key to survival is staying warm and conserving energy. Use the method taught to U.S. Navy pilots: Float facedown in the water with your knees tucked against your chest in the fetal position. (This slows the drop in body temperature.) Exhale bubbles slowly, turning your head to one side only to inhale deeply. Repeat until help arrives.

24. Sleep on Your Side

This can cut in half the number of sleep apnea related wakeups you experience during the night. Such interruptions make you up to six times more likely to be involved in an auto accident, due to residual fatigue.

25. Light a Jasmine-Scented Candle

If you do this for just 1 minute before bedtime, you may fall asleep faster, toss and turn less, and feel more refreshed in the morning than those who didn’t inhale the aroma. Insufficient sleep boosts your risk of diabetes, and restless sleep increases your odds of a stroke.

26. Live Life in a Smoke-Free Zone

Secondhand smoke, besides boosting your risk of lung cancer, raises your diabetes risk by 40 percent — nearly the same as smoking does.

27. Dodge a Deadly Lightning Bolt

Stay off the toilet during severe thunderstorms. If lightning hits within even 60 feet of your house, it can not only jump through phone and electrical lines but also run through plumbing.

28. Put your iPod on a Mount

Reaching for an unsecured object as you drive makes you eight times more likely to swerve and get into an accident.

29. Check Your Smoke Alarms

The most likely reason a house fire ends in a fatality is that there was no early warning. While just about every U.S. residence has smoke alarms, studies reveal that the devices were nonfunctioning in one-third of homes due to dead or absent batteries. If you’ve ever let the juice in any of your detectors dwindle — or removed the battery simply to disable the low-power beep — consider installing at least one self-charging smoke alarm that screws into a ceiling light socket and feeds off your home’s electricity.

30. Sip on Mint Tea

It contains the powerful antioxidant hesperidin, which reduces the inflammation and oxidative stress associated with diabetes by 52 percent.  And despite its lack of caffeine, mint tea also increases alertness.

31. Don’t Jaywalk

This is particularly good advice if you’ve had too much to drink, because 77 percent of pedestrians killed while crossing the road aren’t at intersections. And 53 percent of those killed at night had blood-alcohol concentrations at or above .08 percent.

32. Don’t Get Blown to Bits

Keep bleach, paint stripper, fabric softener, glue, and sidewalk salt away from gas appliances. The chlorine or fluorine in these products breaks down into ionized gas, which can eat holes in the pipes that deliver the fuel for your furnace, range, or dryer. Think you smell fumes? Don’t call for help from inside your house; using your phone could create an electric spark and set off an explosion.


Researchers have observed that deep depression and its spin-off, suicide is often caused by job stress. Here’s how to lower stress, boost your mood, and simultaneously improve your overall health…Find Time to Exercise… When you exercise at any intensity for 2 hours a week — an average of about 17 minutes a day — are 61 percent less likely to feel highly stressed than their sedentary counterparts. …Then Take it Outside.  People who exercised outdoors reduced their depression by 71 percent, while indoor exercisers’ depression decreased by only 45 percent after their workouts… Cut Out the Sweet Stuff… Those on low-sugar diets had lower levels of depression and anxiety than those who consumed all types of carbs. The happier people also limited their total carb intake to 40 percent of total calories.

34. Douse Your Salad with Oil and Vinegar

Scientists have determined that unheated olive oil reduces cancer risk. As for vinegar, eating it prior to a high-carbohydrate meal (like pasta) slows the absorption of carbs into your bloodstream. This prevents the spikes in blood sugar and insulin that signal your body to store fat.

35. Add Curry to Vegetables

A combination of turmeric (found in curry powder) and phenethyl isothiocyanate (a compound in broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower) helps fight prostate cancer. The researchers believe that dusting your vegetables just once a week will provide protection.

36. Stash a Cinnamon Air Freshener in your car

The strong, spicy smell can help you stay alert as you drive. A whiff increases alertness by 25 percent. Sucking on an Altoid may work, too.

37. Test Yourself for HIV

A recent study confirms that early detection is the key to extending your life. You can order a take-home HIV test online mail in your blood sample, and receive your results in the mail just 7 days later.

38. Fall on Your Butt

If you feel yourself losing balance on the stairs, crouch so that your butt hits first.  Don’t be afraid to bounce down a few steps — it’ll make a fatal blow less likely.

38. Design a Colorful Menu

When you eat the widest variety of fruits and vegetables you gain greater cancer-fighting benefits than those who eat more total servings but choose from a smaller assortment. That’s because the plant chemicals that protect against disease vary between botanical families. Mix it up by choosing one serving from five different color groups: blues and purples, greens, whites, reds, and yellows and oranges.

39. Take a Noontime Nap

Breaking up your day with a 30-minute snooze can reduce coronary mortality by 37 percent. Why? It reduces stress that can damage your heart. Even a short nap once or twice a week was found to decrease the risk of early death.

40. Steep Your Tea for at Least 3 Minutes

Any less than that lowers the number of disease-fighting antioxidants.

41. Use Watercress in Your Salad

Eating 3 ounces of watercress every day increases levels of the cancer-fighting anti-oxidants lutein and beta-carotene by 100 and 33 percent, respectively.

42. Eat the Heel

Bread crust has up to eight times more pronyl lysine — an antioxidant that fights cancer — than what’s in the center. Similarly, the skin of produce is loaded with healthy nutrients, too.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

David Gebe:
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