Diets that Do Not Work

no dietingThe following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.



The Basics:

Throughout each day, you need to drink 64 ounces of pure water that is kept at 50 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. The idea is that your body needs to use energy to heat the water to body temperature, and doing so will burn about 12 calories for every pint of water. If you are on the water diet you will burn calories naturally by using your internal energy to heat the water, while completely flushing out your system.

Why It Won’t Work: 

Theoretically, the science behind it makes sense on a molecular level, but it doesn’t make sense on a clinical level.  You’re not going to see it work effectively in a person.  Drinking more water each day does promote a healthier lifestyle but it is the “cold” water factor that makes people believe they are doing something effective toward weight loss. Not everyone can follow a diet like this, such as heart, kidney, and liver patients who have fluid retention problems and electrolyte imbalances.


The Basics: 

This diet states that drinking three glasses of 1-percent chocolate milk throughout the day, alongside a healthy diet, will increase weight loss. Because of the calcium, vitamin D, endurance-boosting capabilities for workouts and positive protein-body weight connection, chocolate milk has the power to help you diet “without ever dieting again.” Each component offers lofty reasons, mostly combinations of protein and carbohydrates, as to why it will aid your metabolism to help you burn fat.

Why It Won’t Work: 

Cheese and crackers are protein and carbohydrates. The fact that it’s chocolate milk makes it more appealing. They are saying the calcium serves as a metabolic booster and the vitamin D will help you burn fat. There is no proof that vitamin D substitution or calcium causes weight loss. In the big clinical picture, it does not produce the outcome.  Protein and carbohydrates that are found in this diet are actually used to replenish your body 30 minutes after a workout. The diet credit is mostly due for promoting an exercise routine, but any weight loss using this method hardly has anything to do with the chocolate milk itself.


The Basics:

You basically start eating a lot less carbohydrates, including fruits and starchy vegetables, and replace them with high-protein foods. Your body breaks down carbohydrates to use as its main fuel source by producing glucose, which enters your body’s cells with the help of insulin. The theory is that insulin prevents fat breakdown in your body by allowing sugar to be used for energy. Decreasing your carbohydrates intake, results in lower insulin levels, burning stored fat for energy, and ultimately help you to shed your excess weight.

Why It Won’t Work:

When the Atkins diet first arrived on the scene, some participants rationalized that a pound of bacon was better for you than bread, while others only ate 150 calories of carbohydrates a day. There are too many misconceptions and variables when it comes to this diet.  The American Dietetic Association recommends getting 55 to 60 percent of your calories from carbohydrates. For most people this can be excessive. Carbohydrate intake needs to be tailored to fit a person’s needs, especially because it is recommended that pregnant women, teens, and those with diabetes beware of this diet. Watching your carbohydrate levels is important because it is a main source of energy for your body, it really should be measured by a professional in the nutrition field to ensure real, healthy weight loss.


The Basics: 

This plan is based on a presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals followed by those from the Paleolithic era. It is based on the principle that hunter-gatherer societies did not suffer from “diseases of civilization,” due to a lack of calories in their diet, as well as additives or worse.

Why It Won’t Work:

This diet is good in a way because it promotes whole foods. Scientifically, you are going to be very restricted in that you are going to miss dairy, whole grains, and beans, which are an important source of nutrients.


The Basics:

This diet asks you to chew your food thoroughly, as in chewing each bite 80 times to basically liquefy your food. Then, you spit it out. On paper, you will absorb fewer calories while still enjoying the taste of food.

Why It Won’t Work: 

This is just short of bulimia.  This is a psychological problem and a form of disordered eating habits.  With such high levels of mastication, it almost causes an aversion to food.  You’ll get tired of chewing so much. Socially, it isn’t acceptable, either. Ultimately, you are creating a nutrient imbalance, because you aren’t getting the micronutrients or food absorption you need. Your body is also overproducing stomach acid in anticipation of digestion it will never need to do, leading to reflux and damaged teeth from housing food in your mouth for so long.


The Basics:

The idea is simple…replace one or two meals a day with 14 various jars of baby food and stick to one regular meal a day or several high-calorie snacks. While the quality of the baby food you choose does matter, the theory states that the portion-controlled jars will prevent overeating and you will become satisfied with smaller portions of food.

Why It Won’t Work:

All in all, baby food is not fortified for an adult. You’re missing key nutrients. Eventually, it could lead to bone density issues. While it isn’t necessarily harmful, it just isn’t doable long-term.  While the weight may come off, it isn’t going to stay off unless you eat baby food for the rest of your life.

 7. 17-DAY DIET

The Basics:

This diet is not just 17 days long, but rather three 17-day cycles of regulating your carbohydrate intake to keep your metabolism guessing. The idea is that shifting your meal plan every 17 days, before your body registers certain eating habits, you can keep your metabolism in high gear. You start out overly restrictive and under-caloric in the beginning, then move on to eating 1,500 calories a day, and then the third phase has you overindulging on the weekends.

Why It Won’t Work: 

First off, there is no proof that it speeds up your metabolism and to fool your metabolism is impossible. The idea that you can trick your body and treat it on the weekends is silly as well.  Why not have a little bit of the food you like every day in moderate portions? Indulging on the weekends is pointless. Your body doesn’t know that it is Tuesday or Saturday night.


The Basics: 

For a solid week, “indulge” in a bottomless bowl of cabbage soup and some select low-calorie food options. It promises to help you shed 10 pounds in the first week, however there are no set guidelines to help you manage your weight loss.

Why It Won’t Work:

People lose a lot of weight from this diet because of the diarrhea they get from it alone.  You aren’t getting any calories and you’re getting bloated and full from a very restrictive diet. From a gastrointestinal standpoint, it is catastrophic.


The Basics: 

This diet is an intense, 40-day, 500-calorie diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, and two meals of 3.5 ounces of protein alongside injections of HCG, a hormone found in pregnant women. The theory is that it will create some symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea from morning sickness, to help control your desire to eat. While injections aren’t the only way HCG is distributed (there are tablets, etc.), it is believed that the injection method is the only one that is of any benefit.

Why It Won’t Work:

This is a completely unsafe method of losing weight. A 500-calorie diet is considered unsafe because it it could never meet your nutritional needs. There is no proof that the hormone itself will help you lose weight.


The Basics: 

An all-vegetable diet made of 85 percent raw, uncooked foods and 15 percent cooked foods. Vegetables that are uncooked are in a more natural state, according to this diet, and cooked vegetables are tainted by whatever juices they may be cooked in.

Why It Won’t Work:

Vegan diets are not very safe. Most people really need to be monitored very closely by health professionals because they often become anemic.  Also, eating solely raw vegetables is not only hard on your digestive system, since cooked foods are absorbed more easily, but there is no proof that raw vegetables are more effective than cooked ones.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Weight Loss Myths


The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.


More and more people are becoming overweight and obese than ever before and the numbers are steadily rising.  Around 70 percent of men and 55 per cent of women are carrying too much body fat and 25 percent of children are now classified as overweight or obese.  This means that the incidence of obesity related disorders, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, is also on the rise

No magic weight loss potion

There are many unhealthy misconceptions about weight loss.  There are no magical foods or ways to combine foods that melt away excess body fat.  To reduce weight, you need to make small changes to your lifestyle.  You need to change the way you eat and increase your physical activity.

Dietary fats may cause weight gain

Fats contain about double the amount of calories (kilojoules) per gram than carbohydrates and protein.  They are a very concentrated form of energy.  If you eat a lot of fat, you are likely to gain weight.  The Type of fat you eat is important.  Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (from fish and plant sources) provide some health benefits and should be included in small amounts in your diet.  Saturated fat from animal sources can have a negative impact on your health.  I you eat more calories than you use, you will gain weight, whether those calories came from fats, carbohydrates or proteins.

Low, moderate or high-carbohydrate diets

In the short term, very low carbohydrate diets can result in greater weight loss than high carbohydrate diets, but in the long term, weight loss differences appear to be minimal.  Very low carbohydrate diets can be unhealthy, as carbohydrates are the preferred fuel source for your body to work effectively.

Five food myths exposed

  • Potatoes make you fat – false

It was once thought that the key to weight loss was eliminating all high carbohydrate foods, including pasta, rice and potatoes. We now know that carbohydrates are your body’s preferred energy source.  Eating a potato, or any type of carbohydrate rich food, won’t automatically make you fatter.  However, if you are watching your weight, enjoy potatoes in moderate quantities and be careful of how you eat them. (For example, butter and sour cream are high in fats.)  You have to regularly eat more energy than your body needs to put on weight.  This is harder to do with High-carbohydrate foods than high fat foods, because carbohydrates contain about half the amount of energy (calories) compared to fat.  When choosing high Carbohydrate foods such as grains and cereals, wholegrain options are better.

  • Single food Diets really work – False.

There are plenty of diets based on the belief that your digestive system can’t handle a combination of foods or nutrients.  Commonly, carbohydrates (such as grain foods) and proteins (such as meat) are said to ‘clash’, leading to digestive problems and weight gain.  The opposite is true.  Foods eaten together can help the digestive system.  For example, vitamin C in orange juice can increase iron absorption from a meal rich in plant based iron like beans and rice, lentils and other legumes.

Very few foods are purely carbohydrate or purely protein, most are a mixture of both.  Your digestive system contains enzymes that are perfectly capable of breaking down all the foods you eat.  Single food diets should be avoided.

  • Breakfast should consist of fruit only – false

There is no evidence that eating only fruit at breakfast has any health or weight loss benefits.  Most fruits are not very high in complex carbohydrates, which your body needs for fuel after not eating all night long.  Fruits are, however, a good source of fiber and vitamins.

Breakfast Cereals and wholegrain breads and muffins are a much better choice of carbohydrate to get you going in the morning.  You can add fruit to your breakfast for additional nutrients and taste.

  • There are magical foods that cause weight loss –false 

Some foods, such as grapefruit or kelp, are said to burn off body fat.  This is not true.  Dietary fiber comes closest to fulfilling this wish, because it provides a feeling of ‘fullness’ with minimal calories.  High fiber foods such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain bread and cereals, and legumes also tend to be low in fat.

  • Drinking while you are eating is fattening – false

The theory behind this misconception is that digestive juices and enzymes will be diluted by the fluid, and this will slow down the digestion and lead to excess body fat.  There is no scientific evidence to back this up.  In fact, evidence suggests that drinking water with your meal improves digestions.  Calorie heavy drinks such as alcoholic beverages can be fattening if consumed in excess, but drinking them with meals doesn’t make them more fattening.

The key to weight loss

The best way to lose weight is slowly, by making small, changes to your eating and exercise habits.  Aim for a healthy waist circumference of less than 37 inches (94 cm.) for men…and less than 31 inches (80 cm.) for women.

 Suggestions for safe and effective weight loss include:

  • Don’t’ crash diet. You’ll most likely regain the lost weight within five years.
  • Cut down the dietary fats, especially saturated fat, and choose low fat varieties where possible.
  • Cut back on refined sugars
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain breads and cereals.
  • Consume less alcohol
  • Eat less takeaway, snack foods and sugary drinks.
  • Exercise for approximately 30 minutes on most days of the week. Introduce more movement into your day, try to include 30 minutes of walking daily.
  • Don’t eliminate any food group. Instead, choose from a wide range of foods every day and choose ‘whole’ less processed foods.  Have a regular pattern of eating and stick to it.

Things to remember

  • Crash dieting can affect your physical and mental wellbeing
  • There are NO magical foods or ways to combine food that will help you to lose weight
  • The best way to lose weight is slowly, by making small, changes to your eating and exercise habits.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

10 Diet Tips From a Navy Seal

navy sealThe following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Want to look good and live longer? Here are a few dieting tips and my own personal meal plan that will help you look better and leave you feeling 10 years younger. You are what you eat. Human beings are in a war. That war is the never-ending battle to stay healthy. So let’s start with the fundamentals…Diet. Think of yourself as a machine. Your diet is the fuel that will give you better performance and longevity. Here are 10 dieting tips and a sample of the meal plan that I use.


Get the right literature. The internet is full of tips and ideas. But not all the information is helpful. I thought for years as a Navy SEAL I was at the top of my game. Not true. I was an over-achiever, and I was over-training, which was actually holding me back. In 6 months, at the early age of 42, I witnessed personal goals I thought I could never achieve. I went from 215 pounds to 197, and I feel so much better all the way around/.


I can’t stress this enough: Before you begin, set a target. Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to look good. Maybe you want to bulk up. Or maybe you just want to be healthier. Whatever your target is, know the goal. If it’s measurable (i.e. how many pounds you want to lose, how many inches you want to be), that’s even better. But you must set a target.


Be smart. Make a reasonable plan. See, oftentimes people go 180 degrees from what they were doing before. Bad idea; 99 percent of them say “screw this” and give up. Well I am here to say: let’s crawl, walk, and then run.

  1. SAY IT, DO IT

Make a conscious decision and stick with it. The bottom line is, and I am speaking of my own personal encounters, people have commitment issues. Dieting is not the greatest thing on the planet. Its okay to make small adjustments as you go, but remember: you made a plan for a reason.


Unless you are competing professionally, I say have cheat days (in moderation, of course). I like to keep my diet clean Monday through Friday, then on my 1 or 2 days off, I will have something sweet or have a few beers. Remember: going 100 percent in the opposite direction usually fails because neither the body nor the mind is prepared. I say give the body what it wants, but on your terms. You set the guidelines.


Again, this depends on how serious you want to be. I like to keep a journal because I can go back and check to see what I’ve put in my body at the end of each day. If I am feeling sluggish, I can check my journal to see that maybe I need to increase my carbohydrate intake (or whatever).


You’ll notice that a lot of these tips are related to organization. Be organized. The point is, find a plan that works for you. Get your meals prepared on your day off.


I am OCD. So me and my wife weigh everything out in small Tupperware dishes and also label each one with a permanent marker. Then I pack my meals up with me and eat while I am on the go. Saves a ton of money and since I am logging how I feel, I am always top of my game with my energy levels.


Each person is different. So what works for me may not work best for you. But one key to success is consistency. Be consistent not just in what you eat, but when you prepare your meals, how you make them, and when you eat them. This will help you stay on track and keep you from grazing on those tempting snacks.


If you are lucky and have a supportive family and friends, this will help out tremendously. Sometimes it’s that support that means success or failure. Understand that you will have good and bad days. That’s okay. Just know if you stray from the meal plan, it’s key to get back on ASAP. We all get weak. But remember: We are in a fight for our lives, and it’s a fight we can win.


Meal 1 -6:30 (morning)

  • 1 whole egg
  • 7 egg whites
  • 2/3 cup 1 min oatmeal with 4 Splenda packs 1/8 cup salt

Meal 2 -9:30

Protein shake that consists of:

  • One and a half scoops of protein mix
  • 15 almonds
  • Half of a large banana
  • 1/8 cup of salt

Meal 3 -12:30

  • 5 oz chicken breast
  • 5 oz broccoli
  • 1/2 cup brown rice
  • 1/4 onion

Meal 4 15:30

  • 5 oz 97% ground turkey
  • 6 oz sweet potato with skin
  • 4 oz asparagus
  • 15 spray I can’t believe it’s not butter
  • 1/4 onion

Meal 5 18:30

  • 6 oz tilapia
  • 2 big handful mixed salad
  • 1/4 onion

Meal 6 21:30

Protein shake that consists of:

    • One and a half scoops of protein mix
    • 15 almonds
    • Half of a large banana
    • 1/8 cup of salt

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !