
nicotineThe following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Tobacco was first found and cultivated, perhaps as early as 6000 B.C. and for thousands of years, people have smoked or chewed the leaves of the tobacco plant.  Following the discovery and colonization of North and South America, the tobacco plant was exported widely, to continental Europe and the rest of the world.

Smoking or chewing tobacco makes you feel good, even mildly euphoric. While there are thousands of chemicals in the tobacco plant (not to mention those added by cigarette manufacturers), one, nicotine, produces all the good feelings that draws you back for another cigarette.

Nicotine is a naturally occurring liquid alkaloid. Alkaloids are an organic compound made out of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sometimes oxygen. These chemicals have potent effects on your body. Another alkaloid is caffeine.  A toxin to your body.

Nicotine normally makes up about 5 percent of a tobacco plant, by weight. Cigarettes contain 8 to 20 milligrams (mg) of nicotine (depending on the brand), but only approximately 1 mg is actually absorbed by your body when you smoke a cigarette

As with most addictive substances, you have devised a number of ways of delivering nicotine to your bodies. Nicotine readily diffuses through, your skin, Lungs and Mucous membranes (such as the lining of your nose or your gums)

Nicotine moves right into the small blood vessels that line the tissues listed above. From there, nicotine travels through your bloodstream to your brain, and then is delivered to the rest of your body. The most common and quickest way to get nicotine and other drugs into your bloodstream is by smoking it. Your lungs are lined by millions of alveoli, the tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs. These alveoli provide an enormous surface area — 90 times greater than that of your skin — and thus provide ample access for nicotine and other compounds. Once in your bloodstream, nicotine flows almost immediately to your brain. Although nicotine takes a lot of different actions throughout your body, what it does in the brain is responsible for both the good feelings you get from smoking, as well as the irritability you feel if you try to quit. Within 10 to 15 seconds of inhaling, most smokers are in the throes of nicotine’s effects.

Nicotine doesn’t stick around your body for too long. It has a half-life of about 60 minutes, meaning that six hours after a cigarette, only about 0.031 mg of the 1 mg of nicotine you inhaled remains in your body.

Your body get rid of nicotine by,

  • About 80 percent of nicotine is broken down to cotinine by enzymes in your liver.
  • Nicotine is also metabolized in your lungs to cotinine and nicotine oxide.
  • Cotinine and other metabolites are excreted in your urine. Cotinine has a 24-hour half-life, so you can test whether or not someone has been smoking in the past day or two by screening their urine for cotinine.
  • The remaining nicotine is filtered from the blood by your kidneys and excreted in the urine.

Nicotine changes how your brain and body functions. The net results are somewhat of a paradox: Nicotine can both invigorate and relax you, depending on how much and how often you smoke.

Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline, the fight-or-flight hormone. You may be familiar with adrenaline’s effects, rapid heartbeat, Increased blood pressure and rapid shallow breathing.

Adrenaline also tells your body to dump some of its glucose stores into your blood. This makes sense if you remind yourself that the fight-or-flight response is meant to help you either defend yourself from a hungry predator or run away from a dangerous situation — running or fighting both require plenty of energy to fuel your muscles.

Nicotine itself may also block the release of the hormone insulin. Insulin tells your cells to take up excess glucose from your blood. This means that nicotine makes people somewhat hyperglycaemic, having more sugar than usual in their blood. Some people think that nicotine also curbs their appetite so that they eat less. This hyperglycaemia could be one explanation why: Your bodies and brain may see the excess sugar and down-regulate the hormones and other signals that are perceived as hunger.

Nicotine may also increase your basal metabolic rate. This means that you burn more calories than you usually would when you are just sitting around. However, losing weight by smoking doesn’t give you any of the health benefits that you’d get if you were losing weight by exercising.   It actually does the opposite! Over the long haul, nicotine can increase the level of your bad cholesterol, LDL that damages your arteries. This makes it more likely that you could have a heart attack or a stroke.

Nicotine’s effects are short-lived, lasting only 40 minutes to a couple of hours. This leads people to smoke throughout the day.  Add to this the fact that you can become tolerant to nicotine’s effects and need to use more and more nicotine to reach the same degree of stimulation or relaxation, and you can see how you can go from smoking one cigarette a day to a pack a day habit.

Like any addiction stopping is not always easy.  While you’re using nicotine, your body adapts the way it works to compensate for the effects of the nicotine. For example, neurons in your brain might increase or decrease the number of receptors or the amount of different neurotransmitters affected by the presence of nicotine. When you no longer have nicotine in your body, these physiological adaptations for nicotine remain. The net result is that your body can’t function the same way in the absence of the drug as it did before, at least in the short term. People trying to quit nicotine experience this as, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression and have a craving for nicotine

Over a period of about a month, these symptoms and the physiological changes subside. But for many smokers, even a day without nicotine is excruciating. Every year, millions of people try to break the nicotine habit; only 10 percent of them succeed. Most will throw in the towel after less than a week of trying, because the way that nicotine rewires the reward system of your brain making nicotine’s pull irresistible.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Slim Body

I hope yscaleou’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

All you need are a few simple changes to cut 500 calories a day out of your diet. These simple changes may add up to about a pound of weight loss each week and combine that with your Cardio workouts, you will lose even more.   Many of the healthier alternatives also contain monounsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, nuts and whole grains. These are powerful belly flatteners. And they’re more filling than saturated fats and refined grains, so you feel satisfied with less food. That’s why some of the food swaps are smaller portions. For more calorie-cutting ideas, you can check out my book Get fit Stay Fit where I have a section on snack foods of 100 calories or less.


16 oz latte 12 oz latte made with fat-free milk 120
16 oz soda Water with a squeeze of lemon 180
16 oz Iced Mocha Frappuccino 16 oz iced coffee with fat-free milk 270
Iced tea with 2 tsp sugar & lemon Iced tea with a squeeze of orange & lemon 30
1 c juice 1/2 c juice mixed with 1/2 c sparkling water 60
4 oz white or red wine 2 oz white or red wine with 2 oz sparklingwater 50
16 oz beer 12 oz light beer 100
12 oz coffee with 2 Tbsp cream 12 oz coffee with 1/4 c fat-free milk 20

Dairy and Eggs

1/4 c grated Cheddar cheese 1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese 90
1/2 c grated whole mozzarella 1/2 c reduced-fat mozzarella 85
1/2 c cottage cheese 1/2 c 1% fat cottage cheese 35
8 oz 2% milk 8 oz fat-free milk 50
12 oz coffee with 2 Tbsp cream 12 oz coffee with 1/4 c fat-free milk 20
2 lg eggs 3 lg egg whites 95
1/2 c whole milk ricotta cheese 1/2 c part-skim ricotta cheese 45

Snacks and sweets

Chocolate chip cookie, 4″ diameter 4 1″ squares of dark chocolate 180
1/2 c trail mix withchocolate chips Do-it-yourself trail mix (1/2 c Spoon Size Shredded Wheat, 2 Tbsp sliced almonds, 1 Tbsp raisins) 160
1 c potato chips (about 15 2 c air-popped popcorn 95
Tortilla chips, 1 oz bag Baked tortilla chips, 1 oz bag 50
Snickers candy bar Luna bar (flavor, your choice 85
1 oz bag pretzels (about 10) 1/2 oz bag whole grain pretzels 55
1/2 c Peanut M&M’s 1/2 c unshelled pistachio nuts 90
1 c fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt 1/2 c diced strawberries with 1/2 c fat-free vanilla yogurt 105

Grains and Carbohydrates

Blueberry muffin Whole grain English muffin spread with 1 Tbsp blueberry fruit spread 270
1″-thick slice banana bread 1 slice whole grain toast topped with 1/2 banana mashed and mixed with 1 tsp peanut butter 260
Plain bagel 1/2 whole wheat bagel 125
2 slices white bread 1 slice whole wheat bread 90
1/2 c granola 1/2 c oatmeal 125
2 frozen waffles 1 whole grain frozen waffle 130
2 pancakes 1 whole grain pancake 75
1 c corn flakes cereal 1/2 c bran flakes cereal 40
1 c spaghetti with 1/2 c meat sauce 1/2 c whole wheat spaghetti, 1/4 c sliced mushrooms, 1/2 c marinara sauce 160
Hamburger bun Whole grain pita 55
1 c mashed potatoes 1/2 lg plain baked potato 100
flour tortilla (10″ diameter) Whole wheat tortilla (8 diameter) 80
8 Ritz crackers 4 low-fat Triscuit crackers 60


3 oz chicken breast with skin 3 oz skinless chicken breast 30
3 oz New York strip 3 oz filet mignon 60
3 oz rib eye 3 oz tuna steak 55
3 oz top sirloin 3 oz salmon 95
3 oz beef meat loaf 3 oz turkey meat loaf 115
Roast beef lunchmeat (3 oz) Chicken lunchmeat (3 oz) 75
Ground beef patty (3 oz) Lean ground turkey patty (3 oz) 85
4 oz pork chop 3 oz pork tenderloin 100
2 slices bacon 2 slices turkey bacon 25
1 c refried beans 1/2 c pinto beans 135


2 Tbsp cream cheese 1/8 mashed avocado with lemon juice and a dash of salt & pepper 55
1 Tbsp butter 1 tsp olive oil 60
1/4 c ranch dip for veggies 1/4 c hummus 190
1/4 c maple syrup 2 Tbsp apricot fruit spread 130
2 Tbsp peanut butter 1 Tbsp all-natural peanut, almond, cashew, or other nut butter 85
2 Tbsp mayonnaise, on sandwiches or with tuna 1 tsp flaxseed oil or olive oil, mixed with 1/2 tsp mustard and a dash of salt & pepper 165
1/4 c blue cheese dressing Balsamic vinaigrette made with 1 Tbsp flaxseed oil and 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 175

7 don’ts after a meal
Don’t smoke: Experts have shown that smoking a cigarette after a meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes and your chances of cancer is higher.

Don’t eat fruits immediately:  Eating fruits after meals will cause your stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1 hr before meal.

Don’t drink tea:  Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food you consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

Don’t loosen your belt:  Loosening your belt after a meal will easily cause your intestine to be twisted & blocked.

Don’t bathe: Bathing will cause an increase of blood flow to your hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around your stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken your digestive system in your stomach.      

Don’t walk about:  There is a saying that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause your digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food you just eat.
Don’t sleep immediately: The food you have just eaten will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gas & infection in your intestine.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


j0090174The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Dietary fiber is the tough stuff found in fruits, vegetables and grains that resists digestion by human enzymes. Not necessarily a nutrient, it does however play an important role in the digestive process. Studies have shown that high fiber foods are lower in calories, satisfy the appetite, require more chewing and take longer to digest. Other foods are nearly all digested and absorbed as they pass through the small intestine but fiber enters the large intestine almost all intact.

Fiber is found in two forms; soluble (unrefined oat products, dried beans, peas, lentils, apples and citrus fruit) and insoluble (vegetables and whole grains). Water soluble fiber absorbs fluid as it moves through the digestive system and studies show that it aids in the reduction of serum cholesterol. Soluble fiber is able to bind acids and prevent their absorption by the body. This causes the body to convert some cholesterol into bile acids, which are necessary for fat digestion, thus reducing levels of cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Insoluble fiber passes through the body faster. This may reduce the time cancer causing substances remain in the digestive tract. This faster passage however may decrease the body’s absorption of vitamins and minerals as well as the action of digestive enzymes and the secretion of hormones.

There is evidence dietary fiber helps decrease the risk of colon cancer. It is believed the added bulk and speedier transit time decreases the contact of carcinogens with the colon wall. Some experts believe carcinogenous bile acids are bound by some types of fiber such as oats and beans and are passed off in elimination.

One problem to watch out for is too much fiber in your diet. Excess wheat bran for example many bind and prevent absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals.

The average daily intake is about 10 grams, however one should try to consume 20 grams but no more than 50 grams. (fiber intake should be increased gradually so that your body has time to adjust)

The National cancer Institute recommends as much as 35 grams of fiber a day so if you aim between 20 and 35 grams of fiber a day it would be good.

You should be careful however to get your fiber from natural sources and not rely on fiber pills. Fiber pills often contain less fiber than actual food sources and because fiber comes in different forms (cellulose, pectin, lignin, hemicellulose, and gums) and the optimal combination is unknown.

Sources of fiber are:

Raw fruits ( apples, bananas, berries, citrus fruits and pears), Vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, corn, peas, potatoes with skin, pumpkin and squash) and Starches (beans, bran cereals, lentils, popcorn, whole grain breads and cereals).

Generally when a food label says, contains fiber, a good source of fiber or provides fiber, the fiber content is between 2.5 and 4.9 grams per serving. When a food label says, high fiber, rich in fiber or an excellent source of fiber, the fiber content is 5 grams per serving or more.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


j0113008The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Sugar is often called ‘suicide with a spoon’ and is found in foods such as candy, fruit, salt, peanut butter, canned vegetables, bouillon cubes, medicines, toothpaste, vitamins and almost all processed ‘fat-free’ products. Simple sugars have been known to affect asthma, mental illness, personality changes, nervous disorders, heart disease, gallstones, hypertension and arthritis.

Dietary sugar; Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Galactose, Maltose and lactose, will usually turn directly into fat because they are digested and absorbed with such speed that the body has no choice but to convert them into saturated fats. These saturated fats are sticky by nature and may clog arteries, increase the chance to stroke diabetes and will most definitely decrease your athletic performance.

So for each moment of weakness…each time you try to satisfy your sweet tooth, you become fatter. These new fat deposits tend to remain as fat deposits and only starvation (diet) or high calorie expenditure (exercise) can mobilize these new fat deposits and burn them as fuel.

Constant high levels of simple dietary sugar over stimulate and may burn out a normal pancreas and adrenal functions. The subnormal performance of these two very important endocrine glands can lead to adult-onset diabetes, cardiovascular complications, hypoglycemia and chronic fatigue.

In terms of athletic performance, high levels of sugar significantly increase blood serum saturated fatty acids, which depresses the oxygen transport system, because the red blood cells stick together and move slower. This delays the delivery of oxygen to you muscle cells.

Refined dietary sugar lacks vitamins and minerals and must draw upon your micro nutrient stores in order to be metabolized into your system. When these stores are depleted, destabilization of fatty acids and cholesterol is impeded, causing obesity due to higher fatty acid storage and higher cholesterol levels.

Generally sugar is void of Vitamins and minerals and fibre and has a deteriorating effect on your endocrine system. Because of this, sugar is considered one of the three major causes of degenerative disease. In the past twenty years, sugar consumption has increased from 12 kg. (26 pounds) per person to 61 kg (135 pounds) per person per year. Compare this to the early 1900’s when the average consumption was only 2.2 kg (5 pounds) per person per year.

Fruit contains sugar, and when drinking fruit juice instead of pop you should realize that sugar behaves the same in your body, no matter how you get it. The fact is one drink is filled with natural sugar and pop has added white sugar. Both have the same effect on your nutritional status. Also the Vitamin C you may receive from fruit juice is so small that it really doesn’t compensate for all the sugar you are receiving. So basically fruit juice is the dietary equivalent to soda pop.

Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re not eating sugar when your eating or drinking fruit. There are some fruits that are better for you like berries and melons, followed by plums but apples and oranges contain more sugar then some breads, cookies and candy bars.

The sugars found in fruits are biochemically the same as high fructose corn syrup and sugar cane. When your body is trying to metabolize sugar, it doesn’t care if the sugar comes from fruit, fruit juice or ice cream. Remember the nutritional value from eating fruit comes from eating the fibre and pulp not the juice.

Sugar also appears in foods you may not suspect. So make sure you read food labels and if you see anything that ends in ose. or ol. it may be sugar.

Here’s an interesting fact. Over the last few years Sucrose or cane sugar dropped in consumption from 81 percent to 44 percent of total market share and corn sweetener mainly in the form of high fructose corn syrup has increased from 18 percent of total market share to 55 percent. This change has occurred mainly because of the soft drink industry, because they use the high fructose corn syrup to sweeten their soft drinks.

Sugar is also contained in canned foods such as tomato sauce and baked beans, boxed foods like pilaf mix, crackers and stuffing, meats like frankfurters, lunch meats, pork sausage and hams, and condiments like pickles, mustard, tartar sauce and ketchup. Some ketchup’s even contain more sugar than ice cream,

Have you ever thought about the healthier potato chip that is no longer fried but baked and is low in fat? If you take a close look at the ingredients you’ll probably find that they contain corn syrup and dextrose. They’ve eliminated the fat but they’ve added sugar so that the chips will taste better. People who have chosen low-fat diets have actually consumed more sugar and therefore more calories. If you think about it, fat holds food together so when it’s removed something else must take its’ place, and the unfortunate thing is, that they use sugar or an emulsifier made from sugar.

Here’s something else to thing about the next time you think or crave about eating a chocolate bar. Your immune systems main defense is the activity of your white blood cells to remove invaders from your bloodstream in a process known as phagocytosis. One teaspoon of sugar will lower the phagocytic activity by 50 percent. Two teaspoons will lower this factor by 78 percent. Some people may average 33 teaspoons of sugar per day. Just think of what it’s doing to your internal systems not to mention the calories.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

In the book ‘Get Fit, Stay Fit ‘there is a great sugar content chart. Check it out.

Hopefully you will become more aware of your sugar intake and attempt to reduce your daily/weekly intake. It could be as simple as drinking water instead of juice or pop, eliminating sugar in your coffee or tea. Little changes do add up and will make a difference.

The Perfect Fruit BANANA

bananaI hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy isn’t the only way a banana can help you keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana the same way again.

sad banDepression: According to a recent survey undertaken with people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that your body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

PMS: Forget the pills – eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in your blood and therefore helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Brain Power: 200 students were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in your diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in your body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm your nervous system.

Overweight and at work? Studies have found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, you need to control your blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of your stomach.

Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a “cooling” fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.

Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!

Smoking &Tobacco Use: Bananas can also help you if you are trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help your body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize your  heartbeat, sends oxygen to your brain and regulates your body’s water balance. When you are stressed, your metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing your potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

Strokes: According to research, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%

Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the peel in place with a band aide or tape!
Never put your banana in the refrigerator!!ban

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around.  So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, “A banana a day keeps the doctor away!”

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Foods To Build Bones

fit catI hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Alaskan King Crab

High in protein and low in fat, king crab is spiked with zinc, a whopping 7 milligrams per 3.5-ounce serving.  Zinc is an antioxidant, but more important, it helps support healthy bone mass and immune function.

Several studies have linked adequate zinc intake to increased immunity and decreased incidences of respiratory infection.

Dried Plums

Also known as prunes, they are rich in copper and boron, both of which can help prevent osteoporosis.  They also contain a fiber called inulin, which, when broken down by your intestinal bacteria, makes for a more acidic environment in your digestive tract.  That, in turn, facilitates calcium absorption.  Enjoy four or five a day to strengthen your bones and boost your energy.

Bok Choy

This vegetable is rich in bone-building calcium, as well as vitamins A and C, folic acid, iron, beta-carotene, and potassium.  Potassium keeps your muscles and nerves in check while lowering your blood pressure, and research suggests that beta-carotene can reduce the risk of both lung and bladder cancers, as well as macular degeneration. Try to eat a cup a day.


Shellfish, in general, is an excellent source of zinc, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, potassium, and selenium.  But oysters stands apart for its ability to elevate your testosterone levels and protect against prostate cancer.


Athletes and performers are familiar with the calming effect of bananas, a result of the fruit’s high concentration of tryptophan, a building block of serotonin. But their real benefit comes from potassium, an electrolyte that helps prevent the loss of calcium from your body.

Bananas also bolster your nervous system, boost immune function, and help your body metabolize protein.  One banana packs a day’s worth of potassium, and its carbohydrate content speeds recovery after strenuous exercise.


Like bananas, this fruit is high in bone-protecting potassium.  They’re also rich in vitamin C and lutein, a carotenoid that can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Try to eat at least one or two a week after exercising.  Freeze them for a refreshing energy kick, but don’t peel the skin: It’s edible and packed with nutrients.


One cup of broccoli contains a hearty dose of calcium, as well as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. And that’s in addition to its high concentration of vitamins, including A, C, and K and the phytonutrient sulforaphane, which studies suggest has powerful anticancer properties.

Try cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts, or cabbage for variation, as all possess many of the same nutritional qualities.  Broccoli may also help reduce excess estrogen levels in your body, thanks to its indole 3-carbinol content.


A renowned muscle builder, spinach is also rich in vitamin K, which has been shown to bolster bone-mineral density (thus protecting against osteoporosis) and reduce fracture rates. Spinach is also high in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and even selenium, which may help protect your liver and ward off Alzheimer’s.

One more reason to add it to your diet: A study suggests that the carotenoid neoxanthin in spinach can kill prostate cancer cells, while the beta-carotene fights colon cancer. Try to eat one cup of cooked spinach, or two cups raw, four times a week.


These cousins of garlic and onions are packed with bone-bolstering thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium. Leeks are also rich in folic acid, a B vitamin that studies have shown to lower levels of the artery-damaging amino acid homocystein in your blood.

Leeks can support sexual functioning and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Chop the green part of a medium leek into thin ribbons and add it to soups, sautés, and salads as often as possible.


This fiber-rich plant contains more bone-building magnesium and potassium than any other vegetable. Its leaves are also rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, antioxidants that can cut the risk of stroke and vitamin C, which helps maintain your immune system.  Eat them as often as you can. Ripe ones feel heavy for their size and squeak when squeezed.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

I recently received an email from a Naturopathic friend of mine who had recently returned from a conference and wanted to share with me an amazing story of another doctors personal experience with diet sodas and in particular aspartame.  The content of the email was so powerful that I had to share with you, and hope you will share with others.

In October of 2001, this doctor’s sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around.  Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain.

By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications.  The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick. She just knew she was dying. She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc., in her oldest daughter’s name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of.

She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.

On March 19 I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn’t find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS. I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my sister if she drank diet soda? She told me that she did.  As a matter of fact, she was getting ready to crack one open that moment.

I told her not to open it, and to stop drinking the diet soda! I e-mailed her the article my friend, a lawyer, had sent. My sister called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me she had stopped drinking the diet soda AND she could walk! The muscle spasms went away. She said she didn’t feel 100% but she sure felt a lot better. She told me she was going to her doctor with this article and would call me when she got home.

Well, she called me, and said her doctor was amazed! He is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed artificial sweeteners of any kind.  In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the Aspartame in the diet soda…and literally dying a slow and miserable death.

When she got to Florida March 22, all she had to take was one pill, and that was a pill for the Aspartame poisoning! She is well on her way to a complete recovery. And she is walking! No wheelchair! This article saved her life.

If it says ‘SUGAR FREE’ on the label; DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!

At the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE in the keynote address, it was announced that in the United States in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. It was difficult to determine exactly what toxin was causing this to be rampant. I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.
I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: When the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants. The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. Many people were being diagnosed in error. Although multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity is!

Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.  The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit. He or she continues its use; irritating the lupus to such a degree that it may become a life-threatening condition. We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off diet sodas.

In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most of the symptoms disappear. We’ve seen many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved markedly.

This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia.

During a lecture, I said, ‘If you are using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting, pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness,  headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning!’ People were jumping up during the lecture saying, ‘I have some of these symptoms. Is it reversible?’

Yes! Yes! Yes! STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels! Many products are fortified with it!  This is a serious problem. One of doctors speaking at the conference remarked that so many people seem to be symptomatic for MS and during his recent visit to a hospice; a nurse stated that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence!

Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and ASPARTAME containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.  It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs.  Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve ’tissue specimens.’ Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store it IN our body!

At one clinic it was stated that once free of the ‘diet products’ and with no significant increase in exercise; patients lost an average of 19 pounds over a trial period.

Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. Some physicians, who believed that they had a patient with retinopathy, in fact, had symptoms caused by Aspartame.
The Aspartame drives your blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are NEUROTOXIC when taken without the other amino acids necessary for a good balance.

Treating diabetes is all about BALANCE. Especially with diabetics, the Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and it then deteriorates the neurons of the brain; causing various levels of brain damage, seizures, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, uncontrollable anger and rage.

Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well.
Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behaviour when these chemicals have been removed from their diet. So called ‘behaviour modification prescription drugs’ (Ritalin and others) are no longer needed. Truth be told, they were never NEEDED in the first place!  Most of these children were being ‘poisoned’ on a daily basis with the very foods that were ‘better for them than sugar.’
It is also suspected that the Aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.

It may also cause birth defects, i.e. mental retardation, if taken at the time of conception and during early pregnancy.  Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NEVER be given artificial sweeteners.  There are many different case histories to relate of children suffering grand mal seizures and other neurological disturbances talking about a plague of neurological diseases directly caused by the use of this deadly poison.’

Herein lies the problem: There were Congressional Hearings when Aspartame was included 100 different products and strong objection was made concerning its use. Since this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, and still nothing has been done. The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets.

Sadly, MONSANTO’S patent on Aspartame has EXPIRED! There are now over 5,000 products on the market that contain this deadly chemical and there will be thousands more introduced.  Everybody wants a ‘piece of the Aspartame pie.’ I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, knows how deadly it is.

And isn’t it ironic that MONSANTO funds, among others, the American Diabetes Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the American College of Physicians?

This has been recently exposed in the New York Times. These [organizations] cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to MONSANTO because they take money from the food industry and are required to endorse their products.

Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote and presented a bill that would require label warnings on products containing Aspartame, especially regarding pregnant women, children and infants.  The bill would also institute independent studies on the known dangers and the problems existing in the general population regarding seizures, changes in brain chemistry, neurological changes and behavioural symptoms.
The bill was killed.

It is known that the powerful drug and chemical lobbies are responsible for this, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting and uninformed public. Well, you’re Informed now! YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


owlThe following article is a small excerpt from my latest audio Cd’s.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

The Difference between Vegan & Vegetarian
If you recently started reading about vegetarian diets, you have probably read all sorts of strange vegetarian terms and categories like “vegan” “ovo-lacto vegetarian,” and “semi-vegetarian.” You probably wondered what the big deal is, after all, what is tough about not eating meat? And you’re right! The distinctions between these sub-categories of vegetarian are actually small, but each is very important to members who belong to the groups.

It is very difficult and nearly impossible for a majority of individuals to realize optimal health and peak performance under modern stress conditions if they choose a vegetarian or “vegan” lifestyle. Now this statement is not meant to offend or discourage you from adhering to a non-flesh and/or no animal source diet.

The key is to be diligent and consistent in the application of the principles of good nutrition. Almost everyone recognizes that nutrition is one of the vital factors for establishing and maintaining health, and ignoring it can be perilous. Also people prefer a variety of foods rather than restricting their choice.

The single most important principle of good nutrition is eating and digesting the proper quantity and best quality of protein every day.

The protein foods that furnish the kind of protein that is digestible and efficient for regenerating human tissue are eggs, milk, yogurt, natural cheese, cottage cheese, fish, poultry and meat. These foods have the nine (ten for children) essential amino acids in the correct ratios to rate them a high percentage of biological value for human health.

Other foods like unrefined grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, etc. contain amino acids, but in the scientific literature they are referred to as semi-essential and non-essential. They score quite low in efficiency and biological value.

All types of vegetarians will ordinarily eat vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Soybeans and soy products are probably the most touted protein “replacement”, however, many people have allergies to them. They are also amino acid deficient and contain several undesirable substances.

It may be possible to combine a variety of non-animal foods to achieve a better essential amino acid balance. But that usually results in a large intake of carbohydrates that it can adversely affect your blood sugar levels and contribute to obesity and overweight.

Check out this PDF file…. Vegetarian.

Let’s take a look at some of these groups:

Vegetarian is a blanket term used to describe a person who does not consume meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. This grouping includes vegans and the various sub- categories of vegetarian; however, it generally implies someone who has less dietary restrictions than a vegan.

The term semi-vegetarian is usually used to describe someone who is not actually a vegetarian. Semi-vegetarian generally implies someone who only eats meat occasionally or doesn’t eat meat, but eats poultry and fish.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians are vegetarians who do not consume meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do consume eggs and milk. This is the largest group of vegetarians.

Ovo-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who does not consume meat, poulty fish, seafood and milk…but consume eggs.

Lacto-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who does not consume meat, poulty fish, seafood and milk…but consumes dairy foods….milk…cheese…

Vegan is the strictest sub-category of vegetarians. Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. Some go as far as not even consuming honey and yeast. Others do not wear any clothing made from animal products.


Animal Rights

Many people become vegetarians because they do not support the way the food industry kills animals or pumps the animals up with hormones, antibiotics and other drugs.


People practicing certain religions have restrictions on eating meat. Buddhists who are faithful to the rules of Buddhism are vegetarians. Hindus do not generally eat meat and never eat beef. Islamic people are not vegetarians, since they may eat all meat except pork.

Health Reasons Why People Become Vegetarians

Many people become vegetarians because of health concerns. Becoming a vegetarian for health reasons can be helpful in treating certain diseases and conditions.

High Cholesterol

A person with high cholesterol who becomes a true vegetarian stops adding cholesterol to his/her diet because vegetables and fruits do not have cholesterol in them. When combined with exercise, a vegetarian diet can help lower your cholesterol. Eating meat adds saturated fat to your diet. It also puts stress on your kidneys. Even semi-vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products in moderate amounts are more likely to improve their cholesterol and overall health. So, people who eat vegetarian diets will not suffer heart attacks and strokes caused by excess fat and cholesterol. In short, they live longer. Vegetarian diets may help other conditions as well.

Allergies to Milk and Dairy Products

There are many great substitutes for milk on the market shelves today. Soy and rice milks are quite tasty and perfect for those people with milk allergies. Milk contains protein and to replace that protein, a wide variety of soy products are great choices. Tofu is made from soybeans and replaces meat in stir-fried dishes, for example.

Diabetes and Gall Bladder Problems, including Gallstones

Vegetarians are less likely to get diabetes or have gall bladder problems and gallstones. Some people become vegetarians if they have a history of diabetes in their families or if their sugar levels are high, so they can ward off a full-blown case of diabetes.

In general, it has been found that people who are vegetarians enjoy better health than those who eat meat.

The Environment

Many people who are vegetarians or who wish to become vegetarians are also concerned about the environment. Raising cattle takes a great deal more water than raising vegetables. In addition, if you are concerned about deforestation, you may choose to become a vegetarian because you know that trees are cut down to make room for pastures. Many fish are close to extinction because so many have been caught that they have not been able to reproduce at a rate fast enough to keep their populations at the same level as before.

Other concerns about the environment influence a decision to become vegetarian. Raising cattle uses fuel in extremely large amounts compared to raising crops of wheat, corn and other grains. Erosion of topsoil influences the whole balance of nature. Ranchers who provide cattle for beef destroy the topsoil, which is no longer as thick as it once was. Chemical pesticides used to grow the food for cows do not stay in the ground. They run off into the groundwater. The same is true for other chemicals such as fertilizers and herbicides. None of these chemicals helps the environment.

Hunger around the World

People who become vegetarians sometimes make the decision to change their lifestyles because they know that raising meat costs more than raising grains and the grains that are raised to feed animals destined for being killed for meat could be used to help alleviate hunger around the world.

Becoming a vegetarian is a life-changing choice. Some people make the choice and then find it difficult to stay a vegetarian because there are so many changes in diet that are involved. Rather than drinking regular milk, for instance, true vegetarians drink soy or rice milk. Some people do not like the taste of the substitute for milk from animals. These types of reasons may be why some people who want to be primarily vegetarian go ahead and allow for certain things in their diets like fish, dairy products and so forth. They may not eat red meat or meat at all, but having some of their favorites makes it easier for them to eat a mostly vegetarian diet.

No matter why people choose to become vegetarian, most people are happy that they made the decision. It is a decision that needs to be made carefully. Nobody should rush into making such a major life change without thinking it through carefully.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Omega 3-6-9

old man reading new sizeThe following article is a small excerpt from my latest audio Cd’s.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Thanks to the fat-free propaganda of the past decade, Americans mistakenly linked all dietary fats with elevated cholesterol levels, cardiovascular problems and obesity. They reacted by dramatically altering their dietary regimens and removing fats as much as possible from their meals. But without fat–the most potent blood sugar stabilizer–many developed powerful food cravings and wound up substituting unlimited carbohydrates (sugar, fat-free yogurt, cookies, bagels, bread, crackers, rice cakes, etc.) for the missing fats.Even the most nutritionally conscious health buffs went overboard with these fat-free carbohydrates and became fat in the process! It was all due to their overeating refined, white flour carbohydrates (like bagels and white rice) as well as those highly touted complex carbohydrates (such as whole grain bread, potatoes and corn). These foods can produce a quick spike in blood sugar levels, which raises insulin–the fat-promoting hormone. Plus elevated insulin blocks the body’s ability to burn stored fat for energy as well as creates a rapid fall in blood sugar levels, resulting in more hunger.

This roller coaster ride of blood sugar peaks and valleys has ultimately lead to your weight gain. In fact, more Americans are overweight today than ever before. Over 50% fall in the overweight category. And as odd as it may sound, many of these overweight individuals are suffering from a fat deficiency–an essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency to be exact. Essential fatty acids are absolutely necessary for your body’s biochemical processes. Without them, your body senses a famine and begins to convert more carbohydrates into fat, turning it into a fat-producing machine.

An essential fatty acid deficiency may also be the cause behind escalating health concerns such as arthritis, diabetes, skin disorders, breast cancer, PMS and menopausal symptoms, low-energy levels, fatigue, allergy, yeast problems, mood swings and depression. Just look at the trends since North Americans started cutting back the fat:

  • Heart disease still remains the No.1 killer
  • The cases of diabetes have tripled in the last 30 years
  • New health conditions are appearing like puzzling epidemics (chronic fatigue, Candida, food allergies, immune suppressive disorders)
  • The number of cancer cases has escalated ­the chance of survival isn¹t much better than 20 years ago
  • Hyperactivity among children and adults is on the rise­quite possibly the lack of brain fortifying fat is contributing to numerous cases of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

So who says cutting out fat is better for your health? Trust me, fat is not your enemy. On the contrary, it can become your best ally. Besides promoting well being, essential healthy fats make you look good by adding luster to brittle hair, strength to cracked or weak nails and healing to skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

The real deal: omegas
Among healthy fats, the “omegas” are probably the most studied. These families of essential fatty acids include omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. These EFA’s provide support for numerous bodily functions, including the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. Both the omega-3s (in sources such as flaxseed oil, fatty fish, walnuts and pumpkin seeds) and the “good” omega-6 sources (such as borage and evening primrose oil) contain the essential fatty acids your body needs but can’t produce on its own. For that reason, they must be taken through food or supplementation.

Current research indicates that the omega 3s have therapeutic benefits in reducing high tryglicerides, lowering hypertension, regulating irregular heart beat as well as assisting in learning disorders, infant brain development and menopausal discomforts. Certain of the omega 6s are outstanding for improving diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS and skin disorders (such as psoriasis and eczema) as well as helping aid in cancer treatment.

In addition to the omega 3s and 6s, there is also omega 9s. Although not considered essential, omega 9s provide substantial health benefits and should still be an intricate part of your dietary lifestyle because of their monounsaturated oleic acid content. Monounsaturated oleic acid plays a protective role in lowering heart attack risk and protecting arterial cholesterol build-up. It is also believed to assist in cancer prevention. Olive oil, avocados and various nuts (like peanuts, almonds and macadamias) are rich omega-9 sources.

Here’s how the omegas work
Alpha linolenic acid is the principal essential fatty acid in the omega-3 family and linoleic acid takes the lead in the omega-6 series. In a healthy body with sound nutrition, various metabolic conversions take place transferring the raw dietary materials into usable, biologically potent EFAs. The alpha linolenic acid is transformed into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and later into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The omega-6 linoleic acid converts to gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Both the EPA and the GLA synthesized from dietary sources undergo another conversion, resulting in hormone-like biochemical compounds know as eicosanoids. These remarkable substances aid in virtually every body activity, from vital organ functioning down to intracellular processes.

Today, most popular literature suggests, “you get too much omega-6” and should therefore focus on the omega-3s. It is true that the typical North American diet already contains an excess of the omega-6 linoleic acid obtained through many of the cooking oils and pre-packaged foods we eat on a regular basis. However, as with many things in life, the process of converting linoleic acid into beneficial GLA doesn’t always go as planned.

Several metabolic roadblocks often hinder the conversion process of creating GLA. Environmental factors (such as pollution) along with aging, daily stress, smoking, viral infections and other illnesses (like diabetes) get in the way. And, according to current research, diets rich in sugar, trans fats (like those found in margarine and processed foods) and alcohol can also block the critical process of creating GLA. Since these impediments to healthy GLA production are so common in the North American population today, it is safe to say that most of us are deficient in GLA, even though we get lots of omega-6 linoleic acid.

Eliminating these factors whenever possible helps your body reap the numerous benefits of the amazing omega oils. The easiest place to start is in reducing or even omitting sugar, trans fats and alcohol. You might also consider supplementing with rich sources of preformed GLA as well as EPA and DHA. Borage power: your GLA connection While most consumers are already somewhat familiar with fish oil containing EPA and DHA, GLA has been overshadowed by the more publicized omega 3s. However, GLA is quickly coming into its own as an immune booster, PMS soother and skin beautifier. Although traditionally women have used evening primrose oil as a source of GLA, the richest source of this fatty acid is actually borage oil. This botanical oil has the highest concentration of GLA available (up to 26%), compared to the 15% found in black currant seed oil and only 8-10% in evening primrose oil. So the good news is you need fewer capsules overall to achieve the recommended one-to-two gram daily GLA dosage.

Recognized throughout Europe, the blue, star-shaped flowered borage plant has been sought for its healing properties for over 1500 years. Due to its high GLA levels, borage oil is fast becoming the optimal GLA alternative here in North America. Perhaps the best news yet involves animal studies, which suggest that both omega-3 and omega-6 oils have the ability to halt obesity. A diet rich in fats was fed to lab mice having a tendency toward obesity and diabetes. Even though both test groups had the same amount of calories and fat percentages, the slimmer mice were those given omega-3 oils (fish oil). The fatter mice consumed unhealthy oils (mostly soybean oil) or saturated fat. The difference in their weight equated to that of a 150-pound man versus a 225-pound man. Several good omega-6s (like GLA and conjugated linoleic acid) have also demonstrated an ability to be potent metabolic burners in animal studies and with humans. Clearly the best plan of action for a healthy weight-loss program includes a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of protein and moderate carbohydrates, as well as omega-3s and the omega-6s.

If you want to drop those extra pounds and enjoy vibrant health, put an end to your fat phobia and add healthy fats back into your diet. You will feel better, you will have clearer skin, your hair will have shine and you will enjoy more energy as well as a slimmer body.

Omega 3-6-9 benefits

Omega 3 benefits

  • Brighter Babies. Pregnant Mums give birth to brighter and more alert babies.
  • Extra Brain Power. Children increase their brainpower and cognitive ability.
  • Fewer Tantrums. Children are less likely to be aggressive or have tantrums.
  • Reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dis-order. (ADHD)
  • Prevent Alzheimer’s. Middle Age people can reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s, in old age.
  • Control the effects of Asthma.
  • Improve Arthritis. Reduce symptoms and effects of rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation.
  • Increase Autoimmune Disease Survival Rates. Omega 3 helps the arteries and other parts of the body stay inflammation free, thereby boosting the bodies’ natural immunity.
  • Reduce Hypertension and the risk of Strokes. Lower blood pressure for all.
  • Improve Heart Health. Stabilizing irregular heart beats, reducing blood pressure.
  • Improve the symptoms of Lupus, Raynauds disease and other autoimmune diseases. Research has shown that Omega 3 can increase survival rates of those with autoimmune disease and also reduce pain on a daily basis.
  • Reduce Depression and symptoms of other mental health problems. It can help reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression, dementia, post-natal depression, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.
  • Aid Cancer prevention of the colon and breast. For those with these diseases it also assists with recovery and continued remission.
  • Lose Weight More Easily. May help to maintain a weight loss programme by helping to control blood sugar levels

Omega 6 benefits

  • Reduce the joint inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis and thereby the aches and pains.
  • Relieve many of the symptoms of PMS, including bloating cramps and breast tenderness.
  • Reduce the symptoms of both endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts.
  • Maintain healthy skin; more specifically reduce the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
  • Clear acne and rosacea by reducing the number of clogged pores, stimulating the contraction of the blood vessels and reducing inflammation.
  • Maintain and enhance the growth of healthy and vibrant hair.
  • Prevent nerve deterioration in diabetics.
  • Promote hormonal and emotional balance.
  • Enhance growth of healthy hair, nails and skin.

Omega 9 benefits

  • Reduces arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
  • Improved blood sugar maintenance and insulin resistance.
  • Protects and support the immune system.
  • Reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Lower the rates of cardiovascular disease and improve heart health.
  • Reduce blood pressure and the risk of strokes.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Food Combining

food c1The following article is a small excerpt from my latest audio Cd’s.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

There are sound physiological reasons for eating foods in combinations. Some foods, if mixed in your digestive system, will cause problems!The principles of food combining are dictated by digestive chemistry. Different foods are digested differently.

  • Starchy foods need an alkaline digestive medium which is supplied initially in your mouth by the enzyme ptyalin
  • Protein foods need an acid medium for digestion- hydrochloric acid.

Acids and bases neutralize one another. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or arrested!

The undigested food can cause various kinds of digestive disorders. Undigested food becomes breeding grounds for bacteria, which ferment and decompose.  Its by products are poisonous, one of which, alcohol, is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of your digestive tract, and you may become constipated.

The Nine Basic Rules of Proper Food Combining:

  1. Eat acids and starches at separate meals. Acids neutralize the alkaline medium required for starch digestion and the result is fermentation and indigestion.
  2. Eat protein foods and carbohydrate foods at separate meals. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion.
  3. Eat but one protein food at a meal.
  4. Eat proteins and acid foods at separate meals. The acids of acid foods inhibit the secretion of the digestive acids required for protein digestion. Undigested protein putrefies in bacterial decomposition and produces some potent poisons.
  5. Eat fats and proteins at separate meals. Some foods, especially nuts, are over 50% fat and require hours for digestion.
  6. Eat sugars (fruits) and proteins at separate meals.
  7. Eat sugars (fruits) and starchy foods at separate meals. Fruits undergo no digestion in the stomach and are held up if eaten with foods that require digestion in the stomach.
  8. Eat melons alone. They combine with almost no other food.
  9. Desert the desserts. Eaten on top of meals they lie heavy on the stomach, requiring no digestion there, and ferment. Bacteria turn them into alcohols and vinegars and acetic acids.

Can you eat Protein und Carbohydrate one after the other? YES, but be sure there are at least three hours between eating protein and carbohydrates, to give your body enough time to digest one food sufficiently before the next food comes which requires another way of digestion.

Before you give up and say THIS is all too complicated, just go slow.  With anything new it take time. Maybe begin by eating fruit by itself and on an empty stomach.  Once you have adopted this change into your eating habits you can begin to incorporate some of the other food combinations into your new diet plan. This natural technique of food combining is not new and has helped tens of thousands of health seekers over the years!

High-Starch Non-Starch Vegetables
(high-water content)
potato (all)
brussel sprouts
celery, chives
kale, kohlrabi
leafy greens
peppers (all)
parsley, radishes
green beans
sea vegetables
dandelion greens
endive, okra
swiss chard
wild game
meat (all)
dairy products
melons (all)


High Starch Foods can be eaten with Non Starch vegetables (high water content foods)

Proteins can be eaten with Non Starch vegetable (high water content foods)

Fruits should be eaten alone and on an empty stomach.

Proteins and High Starch Foods should not be eaten at the same time. I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !