Weight Loss Aids

pe02547_The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

The obesity epidemic is a result of lifestyle changes brought on by the easy availability of food, inexpensive unhealthy convenience foods and government subsidized foods, as well as a decrease in physical activity.

Obesity Rates on Developed Countries around the World

clip_image001The United States leads the way in obesity percentage with more than a third of the population considered obese. Canada is also at the top and a large portion of European countries show surprising growing numbers.  France and a handful of its neighbors maintain decent rates, while Japan is the lowest.

Percentage of Obese Population by Country

“…Americans are at the forefront of technological progress and also at the forefront of one of present-day civilization’s major afflictions–being overweight”.

The overweight rates in America have also grown, with overweight and obese people projected to be 74% of the population in 2020.

Overweight Rates per Country

clip_image002Obesity has a severe economic and personal impact on individuals and affects how much money you make and your healthcare costs while it shortens your life.

clip_image003“Take this method, make it your own, and show the world how to reverse the pattern of excess weight and obesity.”

Get started today by calculating your True Weight!

The Best Weight Calculator for You

Whether your weight loss goal is to shed belly fat or lower your risk of heart disease, a few at home calculations can help keep you healthy and on track

Unless you drop serious cash on futuristic weight loss equipment, don’t expect your bathroom scale to give you meaningful numbers. Interpretation is up to you. Luckily, body weight and calorie calculators can add context to those digits, taking into account factors like your age, gender, height, body fat positioning, and activity level to help you determine if your weight is a risk to your overall health.

While crunching numbers doesn’t replace a visit to your doctor, it can help you determine a strategy and help you chart your progress along the way.  Weight loss calculators aren’t always perfect but they can be useful for tracking over time, and they are slightly more interactive than your bathroom scale.

It’s tough to decide which at-home test you can trust to tell you if you’re fit or not. On my site there are many useful calculators that can actually help you track your progress as you lose weight.

To determine if your weight is “normal”, the body mass index (BMI) is a tried-and-true weight metric. Invented in the late 1800s, the formula uses weight and height to calculate a number that indicates if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. While this formula is a fairly reliable indicator of obesity and health risks, it doesn’t measure your percentage of body fat.

Going one step further, an “ideal weight” or “healthy weight” calculator, can tell you what a healthy weight range is for your height.

Plug your weight and height into an online calculator and you’ll get a number indicating whether you’re underweight (below 18.5), normal (18.5 to 24.9), overweight (25 to 29.9), or obese (30 and above). These standards were set in 1985 by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Panel, which concluded that the BMI was an appropriate measurement of obesity. For all you math geeks, the formula is Weight (in pounds) / [Height (in inches)]2 x 703.In my books I go into more detail on this matter with easy to read charts.

How can knowing your BMI help you manage your weight?  For average to overweight individuals who want to lose weight, BMI can be used as a motivation tracking tool to see changes over time. For example, BMI can be used to set a weight loss goal like, “My goal is to be in the ‘normal’ weight category by such and such a date.

Since BMI uses total body weight, rather than estimates of fat and lean body mass separately, it does not discriminate between the overweight and the athletic or more muscular body types.  It also does not take into account age, gender, or muscle mass. It would not be a useful tool for heavy-muscled athletes, the elderly, pregnant women, or teenagers. According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers found that BMI also fails to predict health risks for individuals who fall in the “skinny fat” category, those who have a normal, healthy BMI and likely appear thin but have a high percentage of body fat.

The waist-to-hip ratio measures where your body stores fat. The ratio compares the circumference of your waist with that of your hips.

You can calculate at home by measuring your waist and hip circumferences and dividing the numbers. Wrap a tape measure around the smallest section of your natural waist, usually just above the belly button, and record the number. Then measure your hips around the widest part of your bottom. Finally, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. For example, if your waist is 30 inches and your hips are 29, the ratio is 1.03. According to the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, women with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 0.8 are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers because of their fat distribution. And men with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 1.0 are at increased health risk for the same reason.

This test can help you determine if you’re an apple or a pear shape. A ratio of 0.8 or above indicates that you are an apple shape. A ratio of under 0.8 means you are a pear shape. Previous research suggested that those with central obesity (apple shape) were 3 times more likely to suffer from heart disease than those with more generally distributed fat.

How accurate is it? Current research suggests that you’re better off sticking with BMI. A new study published in the British medical journal The Lancet studied 220,000 people over almost 10 years and found that your risk for cardiovascular disease is not increased by carrying fat around your waist as opposed to on your hips and thighs. Carrying excess weight anywhere puts you at greater risk for heart disease, the researchers concluded.

The body adiposity index (BAI) is a new test proposed as an alternative to calculating your BMI.The BAI can be used to find your percentage of body fat.

To calculate it yourself, first convert your measurements into metric numbers. Here’s how: Hip circumference (in inches) x 2.5 = hip circumference in centimeters. Height (in inches) x 0.025 = height in meters. Then plug your metric measurements into the BAI formula: [(Hip circumference in centimeters) / (Height in meters x square root of height in meters)] – 18.

For example, if you’re a 150-pound woman with 30-inch hips and you’re 5’5″, the math would look like this:

Hips: 30 x 2.5 = 75 cm
Height: 65 x 0.025 = 1.625 m
[75 / (1.625 x 1.275)] – 18 = approximately18% body fat

American Council on Exercise says an “acceptable” range for body fat for women is 25 to 31%, and for men 18 to 25%. You’re considered obese if your body fat is 32% or greater for women, and 26% or greater for men.

If you don’t want to pick up a calculator, let my online calculator do the math for you. Click on this link

You can also try a new feature included on many new bathroom scales, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology. BIA is a common way to estimate your percentage of body fat. The device, which starts at around $100, sends a mild electric current up through one foot to the waist, then down the other leg to measure your percentage of body fat.

The BAI is more accurate than the BMI because it takes into account body fat without factoring in weight. This method has promise as it takes into account many factors: gender, age, height, weight, and hip circumference.

How accurate is it? This new test has been checked against a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) machine, which is regarded as one of the most accurate ways to calculate body fat, and the BAI numbers were proven to be accurate, at least in Hispanic and African American populations. More research needs to be done with other ethnicities before it’s widely considered a valid measure of body fat.  Until this method has been scientifically determined by the medical community to be an accurate body composition assessment, you should stick with the more common methods such as BMI, body fat analysis, and waist-to-hip ratio.

And in terms of the BIA scale, the device reportedly is very sensitive to hydration (dehydration can cause it to overestimate the percentage of body fat), which can affect its accuracy.

To determine how many calories you need, the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also known as Resting Metabolic Rate, calculator measures the number of calories your body would burn if you sat still all day and didn’t eat anything.

Once you know how fast or slow your body converts fuel into energy, you can use that information to determine the number of calories you need to consume to lose, gain, or maintain your weight based on your daily activity levels. Don’t worry if your metabolism needs a boost. Cardiovascular exercise can increase your BMR, improve your fitness, and make your body a more efficient calorie burner.

The formula used to calculate your BMR takes into account your weight, height, age, and gender. The Harris-Benedict equation is the most widely used formula for BMR. I go into great detail on this formula and how to calculate and to use in my book ‘Get fit Stay fit’ but for ease a quick reference you can check out the math by using one of my on line calculators.

Or try a more simple formula for quickly determining how many calories to eat on any given day to maintain your current weight: On days when you’re taking it easy and not exercising, multiply your weight (in pounds) by 15 and subtract 500 from that number. And on days that you’re active, use the same calculation, but multiply your weight by 18.

How it can help you manage your weight: The number you get from the equation gives you the total number of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. To lose weight, shave off 500 calories daily to lose 1 pound per week, or 300 calories daily to lose 2 pounds in a month. Modifying calories according to activity levels is a good health habit. It helps you to realize that on low-activity days, fewer calories are needed to maintain your weight.  It emphasizes the calories in/calories out formula.

Take these equations with a grain of salt. They are just guides to help you reach your fitness goals. It’s hard to predict activity levels, and if you’re planning your caloric needs for the day and things go sideways, you may be eating too much or too little.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Cut Fat

cut_fat_1The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 50, the following tips will help you to achieve your weight loss goals a little easier. Here are some practical and effective methods to rev your metabolism, burn fat, and when you burn fat you will begin to see your belly flatten.

The following tips are simple, but the effects will add up. When you successfully implement one change, you’re more likely to do another. The more you’re able to stick to your goal, the greater your confidence, and the more chance you’ll have to start and accomplish new goals. These small changes can add up to a lifestyle change and helping you to become the best you can be.

Hit the gas early during your workout.  Men who started a 30 minute running workout at high speed, working at 70% of their VO2 max, and then eased up to 50% of VO2 max burned 5 to 10% more fat than those who started slow and then revved up the pace. The after burn of the high intensity workout seems to carry over into the lower intensity period, increasing overall fat burn.

Use public transportation. Taking the bus or train is as good for your body as it is for your wallet and the environment. Researchers found that people who switched from driving everywhere to using a light rail system lost an average of about 6 pounds in a year.  The theory is that by walking the extra blocks it takes to get to and from bus stops and train stations, you naturally increase your activity level enough to result in weight loss.

Drink two cups of coffee, black. A study found that drinking two cups of caffeinated coffee can boost your metabolism by 16% compared with the decaf kind. Make sure to drink it black though. The 67 calories in a spoonful of sugar and a tablespoon of cream can negate caffeine’s calorie burning benefits.

Blot your pizza with a napkin. You’ll dab off about 4.5 g of fat or close to 30 calories per slice. Of course, depending on the pizza and your toppings, the amount of excess oil you can remove varies.

Avoid Alcohol. A study found that drinking as little as 1 ounce of vodka can slow your metabolism by as much as 73%.

Douse your food in Tabasco. Capsaicin is the spicy compound found in the white membrane of chili peppers and has been shown to rev up your metabolism and can burn somewhere near an extra 50 calories. Eating salsa may boost fat burn a little bit, but don’t pile on the chips and guacamole. You still need to watch out for overall calorie intake.

Fuel up on fiber. In addition to making you feel full, longer and therefore helping you eat less, fiber can help you burn through as much as 30% more calories. Fiber has roughage, and roughage takes a longer time for your body to break down and requires more energy to digest.

Sleep more. Dieters who logged 8.5 hours of sleep burned more fat than those who slept 5.5 hours. While both groups lost a similar amount of weight, the people who got a full night’s rest dropped the majority of their weight from fat while those who slept less lost most of theirs from muscle.

Increase physical activity outside of the gym. In a recent study, overweight women completed the same 150-minute-a-week program, and while some women lost up to 7 pounds of body fat, others gained up to 5. The researchers think that the women who lost the most were the ones who maintained or increased their physical activity beyond the gym; those who gained weight had cut back on their everyday activity.  If you’re going to the gym, you don’t want to negate it by eating a lot afterward or to stop taking the stairs.  You have to live the same life, if not improve on it, when you begin to exercise.

Eat breakfast. If you eat breakfast daily you may boost your metabolisms by as much as 10 %.

Pump iron. Lifting weights can help you burn a few more calories even after you finish your workout. An hour-long strength-training program burned 100 more calories in the next 24 hours than when you don’t use weights.

Choose tuna swimming in water. Stick to tuna packed in water not oil. Three ounces of water packed tuna contains 109 calories and 2.5 g of fat compared with 158 calories and 6.9 g of fat in the oil soaked kind. Tuna is a good protein source that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease and help prevent depression.

Drink chocolate milk. Researchers compared the effects of drinking low-fat chocolate milk, fat-free soy protein drink, and a traditional carbohydrate recovery drink after exercise. Not only did the milk drinkers gain more muscle than those who drank the soy and carbohydrate beverages, but they also lost twice as much fat.

Drink cold water. Your metabolism can increase by as much as 30% during the 10 minutes after you drink a cold glass of water. Why?  Your body burns more calories as it tries to warm the water.

Brew a cup of green tea. A 2010 study found that after 3 months, people who drank two glasses of decaf green tea a day lost 2.6 more pounds than those who drank a herbal brew. Researchers believe that catechin compounds in green tea may prevent fat formation and stimulate your metabolism.

Say yes to yogurt. Eating yogurt as part of a low-calorie diet may help burn more fat. People who eat three 1-cup servings a day lost 22% more weight and 61% more fat than those who dieted without including yogurt. Even better, most of the fat lost was from the belly.

Eat an orange. People who don’t get enough vitamin C burn 25% less fat when working out than those who have adequate levels.  People who are vitamin-C deficient can quadruple their fat burn after taking 500 mg of Vitamin C.

Do intervals. You’ve probably already heard it, but doing interval training, alternating between periods of intense exercise and recovery, burns more fat and calories than exercising at a steady rate. Cyclists who switched between exercising for 4 minutes at 90% of their max and than 2 minutes of recovery for an hour burn up to 36% more calories after their workout, than those who biked at a moderate pace for the same amount of time.

Go organic. People with the highest levels of organochlorides, a chemical found in pesticides, are more likely to have slower metabolisms.

Munch on almonds. Spanish researchers found that people who eat a diet high in MUFAs(monounsaturated fats)  lose more fat from their stomachs than people who follow a high-carb diet or a high-fat one.

Outsmart the elliptical trainer. The calorie-count mechanisms on cardio equipment are often off by 20 to 30%. So if the readout says that you’ve cranked out 260 calories’ worth of exercise, a more accurate estimate could be 200 calories burned. To even things out, aim to burn off 30% more than your target. Even if your machine’s calorie tally is accurate, ramping up your workout will help you achieve your weight loss goal.

Pick a smarter spread. Rather than smear on a tablespoon of butter over your morning toast (102 calories, 11.5 g of fat), try apple butter (20 calories, 0 g fat). It tastes delicious and packs a fraction of the fat and calories.

Choose Canadian bacon. You can get a heftier portion of the leaner meat and still cut fat. Two slices of Canadian bacon are 89 calories, 4 g of fat (57 g); two slices of the regular kind contain 86 calories and 6 g of fat (16 g).

Try Meatless Monday. Vegetarians usually have a lower body mass index than those who eat meat. For instance, lacto-ovo vegetarians (doesn’t eat meat but eats dairy and eggs) have an average BMI of 25.7, where as meat eaters check in at a BMI of 28.8. Not ready to forgo meat entirely? Incorporate Meatless Monday into your eating routine. You’ll still be able to reap the benefits as vegetarian diets tend to be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants than other diets.

See the sun. People with higher levels of vitamin D were able to lose more weight on a reduced-calorie diet than those who had inadequate levels, even though both cut 750 calories from their diets. Your body generates vitamin D naturally through sunlight, and it’s also found in foods like salmon, tuna, fortified milk, cereals and yogurt.

Broaden your circle of friends. Having a lot of friends might not just help you live longer it may make you leaner, too. Having a more active social life can turn regular white fat into calorie-burning brown fat, increasing your overall calorie burn. Researchers found that when lab rats were placed in a living environment with 15 to 20 other mice and had greater opportunity to play, they lost weight due to increased brown fat stores.

Have half a grapefruit. There’s no need to go on an all grapefruit diet, but incorporating the fruit into your diet can help you lose weight.  People who ate half a grapefruit before every meal lost 3 pounds more than those who didn’t. Why? Not only is grapefruit a good source of fiber, but it also seems to help regulate insulin levels.

Sweeten with cinnamon. The spice can increase the rate at which sugar is metabolized by 20 fold. Eating 1/4 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of cinnamon a day has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. The spice is also a great low-calorie alternative to sugar to sweeten your coffee.

Clean your house. A tidy home may translate to a fit body. How clean a house is or isn’t, is a better indicator of the occupant’s fitness level than the home’s proximity to safe walking trails and sidewalks.

Avoid boxed baked goods. Store-bought cookies, cakes, and mixes are often loaded with saturated fat. A serving of coffee cake is loaded with 260 calories and 13 g of fat, 4 of which are saturated. Make your own dessert at home for 172 calories, 3.4 g of fat and 0.6 g of saturated fat.

Switch to sorbet. A 1/2-cup serving of chocolate sorbet has half the calories and a whopping 16 grams fewer fat than a serving of chocolate ice cream.

Slurp broth-based soups. A bowl of creamy New England clam chowder contains 154 calories and 5 g of fat. Switch to the broth-based Manhattan clam chowder at 73 calories and 2 g of fat per cup. People who had a cup of soup before lunch ate 20% fewer calories at the meal. When you choose a low-cal soup to fill up on beforehand, you can actually consume fewer calories overall.

Cut the can. Fresh is better than canned.  People who ate canned soup for 5 days in a row had BPA levels in their blood that were 10 times higher than those who ate homemade soup for the same amount of time. Elevated levels of BPA, a chemical- and hormone disruptor that’s found in plastics and plastic-lined cans, has been shown to increase the number and size of fat cells.

Skip fried food. Deep-frying adds tons of fat and calories. Make this fast-food swap: Instead of a Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap (Crispy) try the grilled version. You’ll save 80 calories and 7 g of fat.

Pop smarter. Popcorn is a great whole grain snack, but don’t pour on the butter. Three cups of Butter popcorn will set you back 154 calories and 12 g of fat. Choose the Smart Pop version and snack without guilt for 48 calories and 1 g of fat.

Take a fish oil supplement. People who took 6 g of fish oil a day and exercised three times a week lost 3.4 pounds more in 12 weeks than those who just hit the gym and didn’t take a supplement.

Max out. Stoke up your after-burn by lifting heavy. Women burned twice as many calories the 2 hours following a workout that involved doing 8 reps of lifting 85% of their max as when they did 15 reps at 45% of their max. Your max refers to the maximum amount of weight that you can lift in a single rep of an exercise. To estimate your one-rep max, determine the greatest amount of weight you are able to perform an exercise to exhaustion. Plug in the weight and number of reps into this formula: Weight × [1 + (0.033 × number of repetitions)] or use an online calculator. Then multiply by 0.85 or 0.45.

Load up on lobster. Arginine, an amino acid found in lobster, nuts, seeds, and watermelon may help you burn more fat. Researchers followed two groups of people on a diet and exercise program. One group received an 8.3 g arginine supplement daily. While both groups lost about 7 pounds in 21 days, those who took the arginine supplement lost only fat, while 57% of the weight loss of the control group was from muscle.

Eat lean protein. Your body burns through more calories when digesting high protein foods as compared with fatty or carb heavy fare. Your metabolism can increase by as much as 35% after eating protein.

Eat more eggs.  High-quality protein, such as eggs are considered a perfect protein and can help older adults build and maintain muscle. Because muscle burns about 50 calories more per pound than fat, you won’t just be stronger you’ll burn through more calories on a daily basis.

Go skinless. Take off the skin from half a roasted chicken breast and save about 50 calories and 2.5 g of fat.

Ask for your dressing on the side. A shot glass sized serving of creamy Ranch dressing contains 140 calories and 14 g of fat, but it’s easy to pour much more than that on your salad.

Corn over flour.  Choose a corn tortilla. While they have the same amount of fiber (1 g), a 6-inch corn wrap contains 40 calories and 0.5 g of fat and the same size flour tortilla has 110 calories and 2.5 g of fat. Flour tortillas have more protein (3 g versus 1 g), but also 64 times as much sodium.

Channel Popeye. Spinach is loaded with iron, a mineral your body needs to bring oxygen to your muscles to burn fat. When your body has low levels, your metabolism can slow down. Other good sources of iron include beans, lean protein, and fortified cereals.

Eat whole grains. People who ate muesli with milk, peaches, yogurt, and apple juice burned almost twice as much fat during an hour-long walk than on the days that they ate cornflakes with milk, white bread, and an energy drink. Why? The first breakfast ranks much lower on the glycemic index than the second, and researchers think that the spike in insulin levels that occurs when the body digests simple carbs may interfere with your body’s ability to burn fat.

Eat at least 1,200 calories a day. Your metabolism slows down when it doesn’t have enough fuel, so going on a crash diet can actually reduce the rate at which your body burns fat. If you eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day, you can’t meet your nutritional needs for enough protein, healthy fat, and vitamins for your body to run properly, she adds.

Snack in the afternoon. Afternoon and evening snackers may lose more weight than those who eat in the morning.   Researchers followed the snacking patterns of dieters and found that those who snacked in the morning lost 7% of their body weight after a year, while those who ate a treat later in the day or not at all lost 11% of their weight. Not only are morning snackers more likely than afternoon snackers to snack more than once a day, afternoon snackers tend to choose healthier foods to munch on, such as fruit and veggies.

Choose the smarter topping. Eating two slices of ham pizza will save you 80 calories and 4 g of fat over two slices of pepperoni.

Stand up. The simple act of standing engages muscles in your legs, abs, and back and when your muscles are activated, they release myokines, hormones that stimulate metabolism.  The reverse also seems true. When you don’t move like sitting in front of a computer or television your metabolism slows.

Don’t serve meals family-style. Heaping platters of home cooked foods might be a staple at your family’s dinner table, but keeping those dishes at the table can increase your likelihood of overeating.  When serving platters were out of sight, diners ate 20 to 29% less than when second helpings were within arm’s reach.

Just add ginger. Like cinnamon, black pepper, and red pepper, spicing your food with ginger may prevent weight gain. Researchers found that mice fed a ginger supplement while on a high fat diet gained less weight than those on the same meal plan but without the supplements.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Shave Calories

lose bigThe following article is a small excerpt from one of my books. I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Major, life-altering changes, are brought about not by dieting, but by making simple small changes. Here are seven simple trades that  will save you at least 700 calories. Do this once a day and you could lose 73 pounds in a year, minimum!

So look in the mirror. Do you look exactly the way you’d like? !

Burger Swap

Eat This!
McDonald’s Big Mac
540 calories
29 g fat (10 g saturated)
1,040 mg sodium

Not That!
Sonic Supersonic Double Cheeseburger (w/mayo)
1,270 calories
87 g fat (34 g saturated)
1,500 mg sodium

Savings: 730 calories
While these are both double-patty burgers with cheese, Sonic’s version weighs in nearly twice as heavy. That might sound like a bargain until you realize that it contains far more than twice as many calories. The Big Mac relies on thinner cuts of beef and uses far less sauce, making it a reasonable way to fill your double-burger craving. New research shows that your weight is determined by more than just which foods you put in your mouth—how you eat plays an important role too.

Asian Swap

Eat This!
Panda Express Broccoli Beef (with a side of mixed veggies)
165 calories
4.5 g fat (1 g saturated)
970 mg sodium

Not That!
P.F. Chang’s Beef with Broccoli
870 calories
36 g fat (12 g saturated)
4,719 mg sodium

Savings: 705 calories
P.F. Chang’s lets the sodium-saturated sauces rain down upon most of its dishes. This is one of the worst. It contains more than two days’ worth of the salty stuff—not to mention eight times the fat of Panda Express’ version.

Health Myth: Sea salt is not lower in sodium than table salt, nor is it more natural or healthier.

Salad Swap

Eat This!
California Pizza Kitchen Chinese Chicken Salad
617 calories
1 g saturated fat
2,532 mg sodium

Not That!
Applebee’s Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad
1,290 calories
79 g fat (12g saturated, 2.5 g trans)
2,290 mg sodium

Savings: 723 calories
California Pizza Kitchen’s salad menu is, for the most part, a dangerous spot, but the Chinese Chicken option steers clear of trouble with a nutrient-rich blend of cabbage, lettuce, carrots, scallions, and cilantro. Topped with grilled chicken, this veggie-heavy meal is far superior to Applebee’s version. The “Neighborhood Bar & Grill” tosses its lettuce with crispy noodles—read: dipped in fattening oil—that not only add in a deadly level of trans fats, but also deliver an extra 20 grams of carbohydrates. Just watch your sodium intake the rest of the day. CPK has never met a salt shaker it didn’t vigorously shake.

Seafood Swap

Eat This!
Olive Garden Parmesan Crusted Tilapia
590 calories
10 g saturated fat
910 mg sodium

Not That!
The Cheesecake Factory Herb Crusted Filet of Salmon
1,400 calories
48 g saturated fat
1,240 mg sodium

Savings: 810 calories
It’s tough to tell exactly where The Cheesecake Factory’s extra calories come from. The chain doesn’t provide ingredient lists. But this selection probably suffers from the same problems as the rest of the menu: excessive use of cheap oils and butter. Olive Garden bakes its crusted tilapia and plates the fish with vegetables, shaving nearly two days’ worth of saturated fat off the Factory’s numbers.

Appetizer Dip Swap

Eat This!
On the Border Guacamole with Chips
660 calories
23 g fat (5 g saturated)
680 mg sodium

Not That!
Chili’s Hot Spinach & Artichoke Dip
1,610 calories
103 g fat (42 g saturated)
1,610 mg sodium

Savings: 1,180 calories
Few appetizers work as hard as guacamole. The avocados from which it’s made are packed with hunger-blunting fiber and heart-healthy fats. Chili’s Spinach & Artichoke dip, on the other hand, consists of mostly cream, cheese, and butter. Don’t let the name fool you into thinking it’s healthy.

Pizza Swap

Eat This!
Pizza Hut Pepperoni Personal Pan Pizza
610 calories
26 g fat (10 g saturated)
1,410 mg sodium

Not That!
Uno Deep Dish Prima Pepperoni Pizza
1,830 calories
126 g fat (36 g saturated)
2,910 mg sodium

Savings: 1,220 calories
It’s not like Pizza Hut’s Personal Pan Pizzas are to be idolized, but compared to Uno’s deep-dish offerings, they’re paragons of nutrition. The big difference is in the depth of the crust. Pizza Hut’s is reasonable, whereas Uno’s can double as a mattress.

Taco Swap

Eat This!
Chipotle Crunchy Chicken Tacos
490 calories
21 g fat (8.5 g saturated)
1,050 mg sodium

Not That!
Chili’s Crispy Chicken Tacos (w/o the rice and beans side)
1,340 calories
71 g fat (20 g saturated)
3,120 mg sodium

Savings: 850 calories
It’s not hard to see the difference in these two Mexican dishes. Chipotle combines grilled chicken, fresh salsa, and a little cheese inside a corn shell. Simple. Chili’s, on the other hand, fries its chicken, doubles up on cheese, tosses in some bacon, and drizzles thick ranch dressing on top. That doesn’t do your body any favors.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


sweatThe following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Perspiration or sweat is your body’s way of cooling itself, whether that extra heat comes from hardworking muscles or from over stimulated nerves.

The average person has 2.6 million sweat glands Sweat glands are distributed over your entire body, except for your lips, nipples and external genital organs. Your sweat gland is in the layer of skin called the dermis.

The sweat gland is a long, coiled, hollow tube of cells. The coiled part in the dermis is where sweat is produced, and the long portion is a duct that connects the gland to the opening or pore on your skin’s outer surface. Nerve cells from the sympathetic nervous system connect to the sweat glands.

There are two types of sweat glands:

  • Eccrine – the most numerous type that are found all over the body, particularly on the palms of the hands, soles of your feet and forehead
  • Apocrine – mostly confined to your armpits and your anal-genital area. They typically end in hair follicles rather than pores.

These two glands differ in size, the age that they become active and the composition of the sweat that they make. Compared to apocrine glands, eccrine glands are smaller, are active from birth (Apocrine glands become active only at puberty) and produce a sweat that is free of proteins and fatty acids

We are constantly sweating, even though we may not notice it. Sweating is your body’s major way of getting rid of excess body heat, which is produced by metabolism or working muscles. The amount of sweat produced depends upon your state of emotion and physical activity. Sweat can be made in response to nerve stimulation, hot air temperature, and/or exercise.

When your sweat gland is stimulated, the cells secrete a fluid, that is similar to plasma, that is, it is mostly water and it has high concentrations of sodium and chloride and a low concentration of potassium — but without the proteins and fatty acids that are normally found in plasma. The source of this fluid is the spaces between your cells (which get the fluid from the blood vessels (capillaries) in the dermis. This fluid travels from the coiled portion and up through the straight duct.   What happens in the straight duct depends upon the rate of sweat production or flow:

Sweat is produced in apocrine sweat glands in the same way. However, the sweat from apocrine glands also contains proteins and fatty acids, which make it thicker and give it a milkier or yellowish color. This is why underarm stains in clothing appear yellowish. Sweat itself has no odour, but when bacteria on the skin and hair metabolize the proteins and fatty acids, they produce an unpleasant odour. This is why deodorants and anti-perspirants are applied to the underarms instead of the whole body.

The maximum volume of sweat that a person who is not adapted to a hot climate can produce is about one litre per hour.  If you move to a hot climate, your ability to produce sweat will increase to about two to three litres per hour within about six weeks! This appears to be the maximum amount that you can produce.

When sweat evaporates from the surface of your skin, it removes excess heat and cools you. This is actually due to a neat principle in physics, which goes like this. To convert water from a liquid to a vapour, it takes a certain amount of heat called the heat of vaporization. This heat energy increases the speed of the water molecules so that they can escape into the air. Typically, all of the sweat does not evaporate, but rather runs off your skin. In addition, not all heat energy produced by the body is lost through sweat. Some is directly radiated from the skin to the air and some is lost through respiratory surfaces of your lungs.

A major factor that influences the rate of evaporation is the relative humidity of the air around you. If the air is humid, then it already has water vapour in it, probably near saturation, and cannot take any more. Therefore, sweat does not evaporate and cool your body as efficiently as when the air is dry.

When the water in the sweat evaporates, it leaves the salts (sodium, chloride and potassium) behind on your skin, which is why your skin tastes salty. The loss of excessive amounts of salt and water from your body can quickly dehydrate you, which can lead to circulatory problems, kidney failure and heat stroke. So, it is important to drink plenty of fluids when you exercise or are outside in high temperatures. Sports drinks contain some salts to replace those lost in the sweat.

Also sweating responds to your emotional state. So when you are nervous, anxious or afraid, there is an increase in sympathetic nerve activity in your body as well as an increase in epinephrine secretion from your adrenal gland. These substances act on your sweat glands, particularly those on your palms of your hand and your armpits, to make sweat. Thus, you feel a “cold” sweat.

The increased sympathetic nerve activity in your skin also changes its electrical resistance, which is the basis of the galvanic skin response used in lie detector tests.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


j02567591The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books. I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Everyone wants a nice tight tummy or well defined abs, and some will go to great lengths to achieve this, sometimes doing hundreds if not thousands of sit ups daily. However, sit-ups alone will not solve your tummy troubles. Although they may help to strengthen your abs, diet and aerobic exercise together will help get rid of your unwanted fat and provide you with the results you desire.

The abdominal muscles give a considerable amount of support to your spine and help to protect your internal organs. Abdominal muscles are the center of your body strength. Your ab muscles include the Rectus Abdominis, external and internal obliques.

The most popular abdominal muscle by far is the Rectus Abdominis, and it gives the abdomen that distinctive washboard look. It has a right and left half separated by a tendinous strip about one half inch wide. The external obliques are located on the side and front of the abdomen while the internal obliques are located directly underneath the external obliques.

The abdominal muscles are layered and directed in a way that provides a variety of movements and functions. They help your torso to move forward, to swing from side to side and to twist. With this in mind it’s important to include twisting exercises in your routine as well as forward crunches. There are two great ab routines described in detail in the book ‘Get Fit Stay Fit’. 

Your abs also have a narrow range of motion.
If you lie flat on your back with your legs extended, your abs have the capacity to raise your shoulders about 30 degrees off the floor. Any further than this, the Psoas Magnus and Psoas Parvus muscles will be doing most of the work and not the abs. The Psoas muscles run from the front of your legs up through your pelvis and connect to the lowest six spinal vertebrae. They pull your trunk toward your legs as do your abs but their range of motion is huge, in fact they can pull you forward all the way from a full backbend until your chest touches your knees.

The abdominal muscles are also different because they do not attach to the bones like many other muscles do. So to develop your abs you do not have to exercise with weight the way you do with the other muscle groups.

While training abs, many people like to hold their hands behind their head. By doing this, they have a tendency to yank or pull at the head to get more force in the sit up. This puts a great deal of stress on the cervical vertebrae and can be very dangerous. If you cannot get used to putting your hands across your chest, try holding your hands at the side of your head. The important thing to remember is to let the abs do the lifting.

Never hold your breath during ab training. This increases the frigidness of the spine that your trying to flex. Slowly breathe out on the way up and inhale on the way down. Also when training abs, it’s very easy to get into a groove and just go through the motions, however for better results you should concentrate and feel your abdominal muscles contracting. The harder you concentrate the tighter the contractions and the better your results. This works with all muscle groups that you train. You should think about and concentrate on the muscle group you are working. By doing this you will be able to receive unbelievable results.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Happy Feet

toes_finalI hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

Summer may be a time to wiggle your toes and run barefoot on the beach but more than half of American men and women say they regularly experience foot pain that interferes with their daily activities. Women seem to be more prone to foot problems and 84% have reported that they’ve experienced some sort of foot ailment. Here are some of the most common problems and the treatments for them which may help you to ‘get back on your feet.’


Bunions are a bump that develops toward the base of your big toe, and can become swollen and painful. Bunions often are hereditary but also can be caused by faulty foot biomechanics and arthritis.

To avoid bunions, stay away from pointy, narrow shoes. Try to wear shoes with a wide toe box and good support, such as sneakers. Custom orthotics (inserts that fit into a shoe to hold your foot in the correct position) also may slow the development of a bunion.

Treatments: Padding or taping the affected foot can relieve bunion pain, and so can orthotics, anti-inflammatory medications, or steroid injections. In severe cases, surgery may be an option.


Heel pain is most commonly caused by plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the long band of connective tissue that runs from the heel to the ball of your foot. The bottom of the heel and arch of the foot can become very painful, especially with the first step in the morning or after resting and then getting up. Common causes are excessive running, jumping, or any other activity that stresses the tissues of the feet, obesity, and high or low arched feet. Pain also may be caused by a stress fracture of your heel.

To help avoid heel pain, begin your exercise program gradually and wear supportive shoes.

Treatments: Stretch before exercising. If you experience heel pain, follow the RICE principle; rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If this doesn’t help, your doctor may recommend orthotic devices, steroid injections, anti-inflammatory medications, or surgery.


About 18% of Americans suffer from onychomycosis, a fungal infection of your toenail. Nails can become thick, discolored, loose, brittle, and painful. Feet exposed to a warm, dark, moist environment can get infected, but some people may be genetically predisposed to fungal nails. For those who are susceptible, the condition is highly contagious.

To avoid keep your feet clean and dry, washing them at least once a day and drying the toes well. Make sure your shoes and socks stay dry, and change them daily. Wear socks that are either a natural/synthetic blend or wicking acrylic, which prevents moisture from becoming trapped against your skin.

Treatments: A podiatrist may remove the infected nail, painlessly removing it if necessary, and prescribes medication.


With its distinctive profile a bending at the first joint causes the toe to look like an upside down “V” when viewed from the side.  A hammertoe commonly is caused by increased tightening of your tendons and ligaments of your foot. This may lead to arthritic changes in your bone and joint that can become permanent and painful over time. Some people have a hereditary tendency to develop hammertoes, but they also may arise from a biomechanical deformity, such as a bunion. Hammertoes also are a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or narrow in the toe, as well as heels higher than 2 inches, which put pressure on the front of your foot.

Treatments: Non medicated hammertoe pads, available over the counter, will decrease pressure on the affected area. If pain persists, your doctor may provide special padding, orthotics, or custom shoes. Surgery is also an option.


Many people have protective layers of compacted, dead skin cells that gather on bony areas of your foot. Corns are smaller and typically found over joints, while calluses develop on weight-bearing areas. Both are caused by friction and unnatural pressures.

To avoid you should wear shoes that give your toes enough room to move while supporting your foot without sliding or rubbing.

Treatments: Over-the-counter protective pads will cushion the areas often rubbed by your footwear. Be careful of using products called “corn or callus removers” because they may contain harsh ingredients that can cause a chemical burn. Your doctor can shave the corn or callus if it is necessary. In some cases, surgery is recommended to remove the deformity that is causing the problem.


Wearing the right shoes can prevent many of these foot ailments from developing.

  1. Make sure your shoes fit. Get your feet measured once a year. Your shoe size changes with your age and hormone fluctuations. Remember to go shoe shopping at the end of the day, when your feet are at their largest.
  2. Make sure there’s enough space in the toe so your toes have room to move.
  3. Shoes that are too narrow or too wide may cause sliding and rubbing that could lead to blisters and calluses.
  4. Avoid heels higher than 2 inches. High heels increase pressure on the front of your foot.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit myONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !

Computer Ergonomics

smstudntComputer Ergonomics is about things that you can do to make working on a computer more comfortable and better for your body. For example, wearing a bike helmet when riding a bike and a seatbelt when riding in a car are two simple things that you do to be safe and injury free.

comput1Posture. No one posture is perfect. You do not have to be “military” but getting comfortable is essential. Footrests help, (or a book or lunch pail or anything handy to rest your feet up a bit), as do cushions if your chair is not providing adequate support. The most important rule is to avoid prolonged positions. Shake your hands and shoulders now and then. Keep lose.

Eyes. After good lighting and avoiding glare, the most important eye consideration is to look away from the screen occasionally. It really helps. Also, don’t forget to blink. Blinking moistens your eyes to prevent burning from dryness.

Warm up. Just as an athlete prepares for the game by stretching and loosening the joints and muscles to prevent injury and enhance performance, you too should prepare for a marathon session surfing the Net. Do some shoulder rolls, neck stretches, wrist wiggles and leg stretches before you even log in. Prevention is better than repair.

Breaks. If you hold any part of you in one position for longer than an hour, you set your self up for stiff joints, achy muscles, tendon fatigue and ligament weakness; not to mention decreased efficiency and diminished concentration. If you are focused on what you are doing, you can loose track of time unless you purposely schedule breaks. Have the computer clock on screen, or steal the oven timer out of your kitchen, or set the alarm on your watch, or somehow let yourself know about the passage of time. Then, at least once an hour, (every half hour would be better), get right up off your seat and walk around, stretch, yawn, wiggle, breath, get the blood flowing and stimulate the joints. It is worth the time and trouble as you will feel better, work sharper and get more done. Take advantage of un-scheduled “downtime”. Instead of staring at the little hour-glass and wishing it would go faster, do something beneficial for your body.

Keyboards Be sure to get the height right to prevent too much bend at your  wrist and allow your forearm to have some support. Your arms should hang loose to prevent your shoulder muscles from cramping. Many keyboards can tilt; unfortunately, most of them tilt the wrong way. If any thing your keyboard should tilt to help your wrist stay straight, which is to say raising the space bar end and lowering the “top” (the F1, F2 etc.) end. Tilting the key board the other way, (space bar lower and “top” row higher) can set you up for carpel tunnel syndrome.

comput2Learning how to adjust the computer workstation and organize all your work material is key to developing good work habits

comput3If you already have mechanical body problems, such as neck arthritis or carpel tunnel syndrome, it is necessary to take breaks frequently; on the order of three or four mini-breaks per hour.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


hm00376_The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

There are a lot of muscles in the arm, but what we really need to concentrate on are three areas; the biceps, triceps and forearms.

The biceps muscle is a two jointed muscle (elbow and shoulder) and to get the best development of the biceps muscle, it is necessary to get the most effective action you can at the elbow. Proper exercises require you to be able to stabilize your shoulder, and not allow it to swing when performing biceps exercises.

The triceps muscle covers about two thirds of your upper arm and consists of three muscles. The long head, lateral head and medial head. These three muscles function as a group to extend your elbow. The triceps is an important muscle to develop because it is involved in reaching movements, pushing movements, pressing movements and extending movements.

To finish off your arm workout, you should develop the wrist and forearms. Since the wrist and forearms are involved in a lot of your other exercises, you should keep these exercises for the end of your workout. Your forearm muscles help to control your fingers, wrist and elbows.

Toned arms often reflect an active lifestyle and help to prevent repetitive use injuries. Some of the better arm exercises like, curls, extensions and pushdowns are described in proper detail in the book‘Get Fit Stay Fit’. Women who also weight train can usually double their strength without the worry of gaining huge muscle mass.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


pe03460_The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

The shoulders are a complicated muscle joint structure, and perhaps the most complicated in the entire body. It is also a very unstable joint and can very easily injured if you do not train it properly.

The shoulder or deltoid is a three-headed muscle that is responsible for lifting your arm up and over your head, and rotating at the shoulder joint. The anterior (front) head of the deltoid lifts your arm to the front, the medial (side) deltoid lifts your arm to the side and the posterior (rear) deltoid lifts your arm to the rear.

If you over develop your front deltoid by doing too many push-ups and bench presses, you may end up with your shoulders rolling forward in a hunch forward look. So it’s important to focus on the entire shoulder muscles and not to develop one more than the other.

Although there are other muscles involved in the shoulder area, these three heads are what you need to concentrate on. Also you have probably heard a lot about your rotator cuff. These are a group of four muscles that help to rotate your arm in various directions and to help stabilize your shoulder. These are the deeper muscles in the shoulder. Strong rotator cuff muscles will help you to throw a ball further, and give you a strong swimming stroke. Weak rotator cuff muscles can lead to shoulder pain and pinching when lifting your arm over your head.

Some of the better shoulder exercises like, presses, lateral, rows and raises are described in more detail in the book ‘Get Fit Stay Fit’. 

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !


pe01235_The following article is a small excerpt from one of my books.  I hope you’ll want to learn more and let me help you to get into the best shape of your life.

The back is sometimes the most overlooked body part because what we can’t see we do not train. When we train back, we also train thechest, shoulders and biceps. It’s important then when training your back to concentrate as much as possible and try not to let the other muscle groups do the work.

There are three major muscles that help give your back its definition. Latissimus Dorsi (lats) covers a very wide area of your lower half and upper sides of your back. Teres Major is located on the upper sides of the back and the trapezius (traps) are located on the upper part of the back.

Your back muscles pull your arms down and back and basically work in opposition to the forward motions controlled by your chest. You use your back muscles a lost more than you think. A well conditioned back will help your posture, balance and reduce your risk of injury.

Figures show that 80 to 90 percent of the population have and will suffer from some kind of back pain in their lives. The source of this pain can’t always be identified but poor posture, lack of exercise, excessive weight and some sort of accident, have been the source of most back pain. Now you might not be able to avoid accidents but developing a strong back should be a key part of your training regiment.

In the book ‘Get Fit Stay Fit’ good back exercises like, rows, pull-ups, shrugs and hyperextensions are explained in proper detail.

A well trained and conditioned back will reduce your risk of injury, improve your overall posture and help you to look great but a poor, weak back will make you vulnerable to injuries in sports and everyday life.

I know you want to get in shape and look great.  Whatever your fitness goal…to slim down…gain muscle…tone your arms or flatten your tummy…I’m here to help you accomplish your goals and to improve your fitness level. If you have enjoyed this article and the many other free features on my site, and would like some more comprehensive information such as fitness books and CD’s to aid you in achieving your health and fitness goals, please visit my ONLINE STORE where you will find innovative natural health and beauty products to help you become the BEST YOU CAN BE !